The Phone Store >>Niall Centric

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-Where 4 hot boys work at a phone store and Niall goes in everyday to ask questions about his phone-definitely not just because of the employees. (It's really long, sorry about that).

The first time Niall went to his local phone store, he was upset and a little pissed.

Him and his friends were messing around when Luke pushed him a little too hard and his phone suffered the consequences.

He got pissed every time he looked down at his cracked phone screen. But he wasn't one to get mad, so he just shrugged it off and told Luke it was okay, he would just get it fixed.

Ashton offered to pay for it-since it was his boyfriends fault in the first place-but Niall just shrugged him off. He had plenty of money saved up from his job.

He ended up putting it off for a week before he finally ended up at the small store by his college.

He ended up thanking Luke for breaking his phone in the first place after that day.

Because he realized after leaving the store with red cheeks and a small smile that the people that worked there were actually very nice.

And very attractive, but that was just a bonus.

He ended up going back almost every day.

- - -

Harry looked up as the door opened and he saw Niall walk in. He couldn't help but smile as he looked back to where Liam was helping a girl find the newest edition of iPod's. They made eye contact and Harry smirked. There was no possible way Liam could take this so Harry gladly did.

He was also glad that he didn't have to subtly fight over who got to help Niall today.

Harry walked towards Niall and smiled sweetly as Niall's eyes brightened.

"Harry, hey." He mumbles and fiddles with the phone in his hands nervously.

"Niall, what's happened this time?" Harry asks with a big smile, going to the front counter as Niall followed.

"Uh, well it just won't turn on." Niall rested his head in his hand as he handed his phone over without Harry having to ask.

"Your phone seems awfully faulty, don't you think?" Harry wonders as he fiddled with the light blue phone.

Niall's face turns red as he shrugs and looks away from him, only to make eye contact with Liam across the store and smile lightly as he waves. He buries his face in his arms for a second to hide the giant smile growing on his face.

"No-I mean I guess." Harry stops fiddling with Niall's phone to look up at him with a fond smile. "So I was in my animal resources class the other day." Niall murmurs after a moment of silence. Harry looked up at him while he plugged the phone into the computer. "And they brought some cats in. I thought of-I mean I'd show you but my phone is dead. I mean doesn't work!" He rushed when Harry raised an eyebrow, trying his hardest to not smile or laugh.

Harry chooses to ignore what he says, saving the adorable blonde from embarrassment. "Well maybe if I can fix it then you could show me. I love cats." Niall has to bite his tongue from telling Harry he knows that, because that might sound very creepy. But Niall distinctly remembers the conversation they had a couple weeks ago when Harry told him about his cat at home that was sick. Harry probably thought he wasn't listening but he was.

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