Chapter 18: You're Everything I Thought You'd Never Be

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So as I said in Chapter 17, I have a feeling this story will be coming to an end soon. BUT IT'S OKAY. It's not ending just yet. I'll try to get it at least to Chapter 30 and drag it out as much as I can, but by Chapter 40 if I even get there it'll probably end. Maybe. I'm not sure. But anyways, so I just reached 41 fans! This is awesome! Thank you all so much for your support. I will have a book trailer up soon made by the awesome @BekkaRush , because my RealPlayer isn't working and I stink at making stuff like that. But I really want to promote, so can you guys do me a favor please?

1. Tell your friends. Facebook, twitter, wattpad, youtube, school, anything! I really want to promote this story and my other stories, and get more readers. Main thing: tell your friends!

2. Vote and comment. I start reading a lot of stories by people I fan voting and commenting, so I would really appreciate it if I got some people voting and commenting. It'd really spread the word a lot, and that way I'll know if people are reading. I'll still write it either way, but it'd mean a lot to me. :)

3. Maybe I'll have a contest if I get more fans anytime soon. Stay tuned for that.

4. That's it I think. Pretty please? :) Haha.

Anyways, Chapter 19! I remember when I was at Chapter 10 and I was so happy..gaaaah ahahaha. Oh and don't worry, Alana and Summer will be back together soon! Oh my gosh I called Leslie Summer.....anyways she'll come around again.

Thanks for reading :) -Sarah

The white walls were all the same.

The sun shined in, but it was all dark.

Man, I thought. Never experienced this before.

The smell of the newly cleaned floors entered the room as students' shoes were squeaking as we all gathered into class. I sat in my assigned seat, with sophomore Drew next to me and freshman Joey behind me. It reminded me all so much of James and Wesley, and I would've had James next to me but noo, he got up in another math class. A smarter one basically.

I've dealt with these boys all year, and let me tell you. They are just like James and Wesley. I try not to let it bother me, but they're actually really annoying. They'll throw spitballs and tease me during tests. And they never get caught. My teacher actually thinks it's all my fault.

Joey kicked my seat as my teacher was talking about our finals before school ends.

"Can you stop that?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"Ooohh, Leslie is scared!" he teased.

"Hey, stop it." Drew said to him. I rolled my eyes.

"When did you become my side kick?"

"Leslie! Are you fighting with them again?"

I sighed. "No ma'am, they were just annoying me. But I'll ignore it."

"Good. Boys, sit down."

I continued to listen, but Joey would not stop kicking my seat! That kid had a foot, too because he played soccer. I turned around and whispered, "Hey, please. Stop."

"Leslie!" my teacher yelled. "Turn around before I send you to the principal."

I nodded and continued to listen. But as Joey kept kicking my chair, tears filled my eyes. I missed James. I missed Wesley. I even missed Alana. I wished my teacher gave me a chance. Everyone thought I was a lost cause, and maybe they were right.

Besides, Wesley doesn't even care anymore. Neither does James. Or Alana.

If Wesley cared, he would've talked us out of going out that night.

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