The puppy

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Today was Carrie's birthday Miranda new she wanted a golden retriever puppy. Carrie was getting ready for her party. a lot of People showed up. they had cake and now it was time to open presents.miranda went over to her car and got out a puppy."OMG a puppy. she's so cute. wait its a girl right? yup. thank you Miranda." said Carrie. Carrie finished opening presents. Her and Miranda went to Carrie's house. "how old is she." Carrie asked. " 8 weeks" said Miranda. "I'm going to name her Taylor." said Carrie. about 1 year later the girls took Taylor to the park and they were extra careful not to loose her. Taylor loves to swim and love to cuddle up with Carrie. The girls took Tay (sort of Taylor) to the pond by the beach to swim. Carrie always calls Tay a fish. The lifeguard screamed "get out of the the water SHARK" the girls grabbed the dog and ran to Miranda's grandma's beach house. Miranda's grandma cane home and saw a note that said

* Dear, grandma

Me and Carrie were here. long story tell you later.😃

👄Love, Miranda

And Carrie.👄*

The girls were very scared because of that shark. Carrie thought she saw someone get attacked.


Sorry I haven't be updating😉

Update soon!!!

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