I can't deny it.

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*After a while*

Brook's POV

I don't know how much time has passed since all this started but I'm so happy that it happened. I feel that everything I'm living in this moment is a dream, everything is like it should be and I don't know ... I've spent the best weeks of my life, hiding with Jack in the room for hours, stealing kisses from each other when nobody sees us and sometimes we even go away from the house where there is absolutely nobody and we spend the afternoon kissing and talking about a thousand things, honestly I can't ask for anything more than this. Well, I can ask for one thing, for Jack to accept what he feels for me.

We never talk about the subject, about what we are or what we feel, we always talk about everything but not about that however I know how he feels for me, nobody can fake that. The way he looks at me when I speak, like he's seeing a wonder or the way he kisses me after my stupid comments, all those little things show me what he feels for me. To be honest I don't need him to tell me if he's not really in love with me but I want him to do it, I feel it's what we need to go one step further. Anyway I'm afraid to ask him or talk about it, I don't want this to end so I just pretend that I don't care.

Anyway, today is January 24 and that means it's Rye's birthday. He is very excited about all this, more than usual, but I like to see him like that. Lately I see that Ryan is happier than ever, just thinking about it makes me smile. I enter the kitchen and I find him sitting with his phone, sure he's finishing arranging everything for the party he plans to do tonight. He invited so many people and I have no idea where we are going to put them but it's okay, it's his birthday and he can do whatever he wants.
I approach from behind and hug him by the neck to start kissing him on the head, I love being affectionate with everyone.

"Happy birthdaaay babeee" I say as I keep kissing his head, he makes a strange noise but doesn't try to get away. "Are you ready for tonight?"
"Yes, Ben is gonna bring his equipment," he tells me, and we both see his phone until he blocks it and puts it aside. "I notice you very happy these days" he says confronting me.
"I think the same about you" I smile and go to the fridge to drink something.
"And why are you happy?" He asks me and for the first time I want to tell him everything, the situation with Jack makes me so happy that I want to tell everyone.
"You tell me," I say without looking at him.
"It's my birthday mate"

We kept talking for a couple more minutes until Jack enters the room, I smiled a little thinking that he just left my bed.
After a few minutes talking, Rye leaves the room leaving me and Jack alone
"What are you going to wear tonight?" Jack tells me as he approaches me.
"I don't know ... you?" He ends up standing next to me and I'm so eager to kiss him right now. He looks so cute when he just wakes up, sleepy and with his typical dark circles, I love this boy so much, it's impossible.
I don't control myself and grab his waist to bring him closer to me, he smiles and bends down to plant a soft kiss on my lips.

Then he walks away with a stupid smile and starts preparing our breakfast. After that we just talked the rest of the morning as we always do, in my room, stealing food from our plates and doing stupid things.
Mornings are ours ... and evenings and nights.

Jack's POV

I don't know when so many people came to our house, I only know that we barely fit in the place and that I lost Brook about an hour ago. I haven't stopped looking for him since that moment and I still can't find him, nor any of the boys. This is a complete disaster, I mean, the house is not even big enough to lose them like that.

I keep looking and running people out of my way until I collide with Daphne, I think I don't see Daph since a year ago. I say hello and I know it's the worst I can do.
"Did you see the boys?" I shout over the music.
"I saw Brook in the cinema room a few minutes ago" she shouts and gets a little bit close to me so I try to get away.
"Okay thanks see you later" and with that I leave her behind and go straight to the room.
Once inside I see Brook sitting talking to one of his friends, Luke. He looks at me and I notice that he gets nervous, I'm sure he told Luke about us. I smile knowing him and I beckon him to come closer.

"Hey" he tells me when it comes to me.
"Come on" I take his hand because at this moment I don't care about anything more than this and I take it upstairs to my room.
Today, after spending the morning with him, I decided that I was going to think about what we have, something that I was avoiding all this time, and after hours, literally hours, I realized that I am an asshole  and that all this time the only thing I did was to be an asshole. I'm in love with Brook, I can't deny it anymore. Literally every day that I kissed him and spent time with him I tried to convince myself that I only did it because I didn't have another person and even though I felt the worst shit I couldn't avoid doing it.

Until this moment, when I can finally say that I'm completely and madly in love with Brooklyn and I wanted to talk about it with him earlier but we spent most of the afternoon fixing everything for Rye's birthday and I didn't have the opportunity but I don't want to keep waiting, for that reason I'm taking him to my room, because I need to get this from me. I need Brook to know
We enter the room and close the door with insurance, he doesn't say anything to me and I don't know how to say this, nor what to do exactly so I only say it without thinking about anything.
"Brook I love you, I love you and I want you with me"

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