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Jack's POV.

Today was one of the most exhausting days we had in the week, after being in the studio for 5 hours recording some songs we're finally home and all I want to do is eat something and go to bed.
I helped the boys to get a few things out of the car and I went straight to the kitchen to make a sandwich, behind me was Rye talking about something with Mikey, I didn't really pay attention because to be honest I just wanted to eat and sleep. I prepared the sandwich and asked if anyone wanted one, obviously everyone wanted one so as I'm a good person I made a sandwich to everyone with Andy's help.

* * *

"I'm going to play fifa before sleep, someone joins me?" Brook said after a moment of silence. We were all sitting in the table already and thinking about that it would be nice to chill a bit with Brook. For some reason every time I'm with him (off camera especially) I can be quiet, we share things and have fun but the most important thing is that we can relax, I think that's why we both fit in so well with each other.
"Me" I said before giving a bite to my sandwich.

* * *

"Fuck" I said after losing a pass. We are already lying in his bed playing fifa, I feel so good here that I don't even want to move... For more than an hour we were like that and now im so tired, tomorrow we have the day off but I really want to sleep so I put the game on pause.
"Ok I really need to sleep Brook ..." I said leaving aside the command and starting to get up.
"Well let's stop playing but let's talk for a while, today we didn't talk at all" he said and he's right, we were too busy recording and doing a lot of things. So we couldn't talk even a little bit.

With Brook we usually talk for hours, most of the time we talk about things without sense but sometimes we talk about important things, it's like we can talk about everything. Sometimes I feel like I appreciate more my friendship with him than with the others but that's a secret.
"Well let's talk then"

We talked about trivial and senseless things for a while, both lying down looking at nowhere, sometimes changing positions to see each other better but most of the time were just lying down.
I love these moments, they are so different, so simple, so... "jacklyn". We don't have any kind of relationship between us, as everyone thinks but we are very good mates and I like to share my time with him.

*Brook's POV*

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was a very sleepy Jack next to me, I don't know when we fall asleep, I just remember that we were talking about the lunch that Rye and Mikey prepared last Sunday and thats all . I watched Jack for a while without saying anything, Jack is one of the most important person on my life. We have a type of connection that I don't have with anyone. I smiled at my thoughts and then I thought the fact that Jack is in my bed sleeping would be a good content for the vlog for all those jacklyn shippers so I get up and ran to the boys' room to wake them up.

* * *

After a while looking for Elvis or the camera I walked into the kitchen and I find Mikey recording a vlog with the camera.
"Here you are Mikey, give me the camera for a second" I said trying to get it out of his hands.
"Why? NoOo "he pulls its away from me as if I would do it some harm, I probably would but it doesn't matter.
"Jack is sleeping on my bed. Roadies would love to see that. C'mon !!! "I explained to him trying to get it out once more.
"I know, I kn- what? Why is Jack sleeping on your bed? "
I laugh at his surprise "oh you don't wanna know ok?" I joke as I always do.

"Ok?" He said looking at Rye and Andy. It's funny how the guys think there's something between Jack and me.
"Let's go mate" I led him to my room but when I walked into it Jack isn't there anymore, fuck. After that I kicked out Mikey so I could put on some clothes, I was practically naked all this time, it's one of my favorite things in this life.

Today we have the day off so I guess we're going to film some stuff for our vlog channel. Honestly I love these days.

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