Chapter 7 ('・・')

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On Monday I walk into school looking for Trix. She's usually here before me, standing next to her jeep. But today she isn't.

I had texted her Saturday to see how she was. She said she felt stupid and embarrassed. We talked for a little and she invited me over to eat ice cream and watch movies because we both had hangovers. However I didn't go because my mother grounded me for the next two weeks. I didn't tell Trix this. I told her my dad needed help with work.

Technically I wasn't lying, I did help my dad out. We helped out neighbors down the street pack there moving truck. The couple that's moving out are super nice. They have a little girl that I use to babysit all the time but I don't think she remembers me anymore.

I heard some old lady is suppose to move in from California.

Anyway, I looked everywhere for Trix, but she was no where to be found. I see Blake down the hall so I walk up to him.

"Hey dude, have you seen Trix today?" I ask when I reach him.

He turns to me with a bored expression and stares at me, with a thoughtful expression. Just when I'm about to ask him again, he grabs my arm and pulls me down the hall. I'm dragged into a janitor closet behind Blake and he closes the door. I can't see a damn thing.

"What the hell!?" I shout. Blake clamps a hand over my mouth and shushes me. We must be standing pretty close because I can feel his warm breath on my face. We stand in the quiet for a minute before Blake moves his hand from my mouth. I move to put my hands out in front of me to feel for a light but I accidently hit Blake in the face. He grabs my wrist holds them to my sides.

I sigh and lean against the door behind me, it creaks loud enough that I jump and hit something that i assume is a mop. The mop falls over with a loud thump. It must have hit Blake because I hear him groan and one of his hands let go of my wrist most likely to rub where ever it hit him. I try to laugh quietly but I must not be quiet enough because Blake shushes me again.

Now that I know how close he is I can feel his warmth. Its still quiet he hasn't said anything yet. And its a bit awkward just standing here quietly.

Eventually, Blake let's go if my hands. "Geez you don't you don't know how to stay still and your not very smart either are you? I was waiting till the hallway was empty." He's says in the dark.

My eyes have adjusted to the dark by now and I can see his outline. I smack his arm. "What the hell is this about?"

He leans over til my face is only centimeters from his. I suddenly feel weird. I want to pull him to me and close the distance between us. If I were to lean over a couple centimeters....

Then I feel his hand reach past me and the door behind me opens. I shiver and shake my head feeling stupid for what just went through my mind.

Blake seems oblivious to the mental shaming and nods his head to someone behind me. I turn around to see Trix walking towards us, nervously looking around in the middle of the hallway.

"Trix? What's wrong?" I ask walking towards her. She opens her mouth to explain but instead she starts crying.

I rush to her and pull her into a hug. She quietly sobs on my shoulder as I turn my head to look at Blake to explain.

Blake shrugs his shoulders.

"Trix honey, talk to me." I say trying to coax her into telling me. She just sobs, and I let her. "Is this because of what happened with Zach?" She continues to sob and nods her head yes on my shoulder.

Blake stands there waiting. I sit down and pull Trix down with me so were both sitting cross legged on the hallway floor. I hold her hands as Blake goes to lean against the locker nearest to us.

"I just...I...I hate Zach. I hate him!" She says between sobs angrily.

"Oh, I know hon I know." I reply sympathetically. I hate him too honestly, someone needs to set him straight. "Wait, but this doesn't explain why Blake dragged me into a closet."

Blake puts his hands up defensively. "Trix told me to hide you until the halls were empty."

Trix looks up and glares at Blake with glassy eyes. "I told you to make sure she doesn't go anywhere so I could talk to her when no one was around."

"Well locking her in a closet is the only way to keep track of her." Blake shrugs.

Trix opens her mouth then shuts it and looks at me. I shrug, which means he's probably right. We both laugh, until Trix's turns into a cry.

I pull her into a hug again. Blake starts to walk away.

"Blake, where are you going!?!" I ask annoyed.

He continues walking and shrugs. "You've been telling me to go to class haven't you?" He asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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