Chapter 2 ;)

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I take my time walking down the hallway from my room to the stairs. The stairs that lead to my punishment. The stairs that will lead me to death, to doom, to the killers of my parents.

I'm walking down the stairs slowly unlike my usual habit of bouncing down, skipping steps.

Each step I take I realize what a horrible mistake I've made. I think of the overwhelming punishment to come. Grounding for a month? Who am I kidding? I'm never going to see the light of day again, I'll be homeschooled until I graduate, every pair of scissors in the house will be dumped in the depts of the sea, never to be seen again, I'll be trapped in the basement, windows bored, doors locked, cracks sealed, no way of seeing the outside world, and without anything to keep me occupied because god knows what I'll do with a straightener, not even a flip phone to call my parents and tell them I need to pee. Ok maybe I'm exaggerating a little.

My parents aren't that bad, I mean I could have it worse.

By now after all that useless thinking I realize I'm at the bottom of the stair case...closer to the kitchen where I can hear the clanking of dishes and the scraping of the chairs across the floor. I'm dead, I race back up the stairs three at a time, run down the hallway almost tripping and dash into my room slamming the door shut. I lean my back against the door, like they do in movies at that dramatic moment, and just to add to the drama I slowly sink to the floor. I prop my legs up, place my arms over my knees and lay my head down, like Elsa does in frozen when she's alone in her room.

Ok...and scene....after having my satisfying dramatic moment, I realize I probably made a lot of noise and will have to explain yet another thing to my parents once I walk down those stairs.

Alright, I need to get this over with. I yank my hair out so u can see it in all it's glory. I get up and walk to my mirror and check myself, fixing my hair, pulling it just a little to make it look longer. Ugh no use, I fluff it up a little, maybe if it looks good they'll be a little more understanding. As I hold on to that hope I finally walk down the hallway and the stair case again this time with more confidence.

I step into the dining room to find my father, staring, and drooling, over his full plate of food, Roubon swirling one finger in his mash potatoes and one finger up his nose, and my mom just walked in from the kitchen with the pitcher of tea. She smacks Roubon's hand, the one with the finger up his nose, then takes her seat. Roubon takes his finger out of his nose but his other finger is still swirling around in his mash potatoes.

I step a little farther into the dining room, making the floor creak very quietly. My mom must've heard it though.

"Oh, finally Anya, took you long, I thought I heard....."
She trails off, now looking at me. More accurately my hair.

She straightens, and taps my father's hand, even though he doesn't even glance up.

"Go upstairs for a minute, okay Roubon?" She says in a dangerously low voice, not taking her eyes off me.

"But mom, im hungry!" Roubon exclaims. Pulling his finger out of his potatoes and pops it into his mouth.

"Now" my mom says sternly finally looking at him.

Seeing my mom's anger, the little 6 year old runs off to his room, but not before sneakily grabbing a few pieces of chicken with him.

Dad finally looks up, sees my hair and slowly starts pushing his chair back, towards the living room where I can hear a basketball game playing on the TV. He starts to take his plate with him, but my mom quickly realizes his get away plan and glares at him. He sighs and stops moving his chair, but keeps his plate with him "Anya, why did you cut your hair?" My mom says calmly.

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