Chapter 6 =)

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I am so ready to go home.

I'm sitting on a stool at the counter with Trix's sleeping head on my lap, vomit on the floor, asshole leaning in the corner and a cup of god knows what, in my hand.

I had time to spare, after my fight with Zach, it was only 12:30 and because Trix is sleeping, I decided to just stay with her in the kitchen, and have a drink of my own. But one drink lead to 3 drinks considering I was talking to Sam. He wouldn't leave me alone, just like old times.

"Oh come on, that was fun!" Sam shouts, smiling.

"Sam, I was scared of sharks it was NOT fun for me! And I was soaking wet and cold afterwards" I shout back exasperated and a little tipsy.

"Anya darling, it was a lake not an ocean, so no sharks. And you were on a mattress, you would have been fine, if you didn't try paddling to shore."

"No" I take another sip of the cup's contents. "Lakes have sharks too" I say pointing a him, raising my eyebrows, then slumping back a little on my stool.

We were talking about the one time we went on an over night school trip, camping in middle school. The week before I had put all my lipsticks in his school bag, all of them uncapped with a frog. Weird combination i know but frogs move around a lot, so every time it moved, there was more lipstick being smeared on his stuff. His school bag and homework was a mess afterwards with lipstick and frog pee stains everywhere. So on our camping trip Sam decided to get back at me for it. Him and his friends, pulled my air mattress with a sleeping twelve year old me on it, out of my tent and pushed me on to the lakes surface, I floated, but once I woke up, I was scared and tried paddling to shore but I fell into the water.

Sam stares at me, before pushing himself off the counter, walking towards me and taking the cup in my hand off me, just as it reaches my lips. I lean towards it as he pulls it away, before leaning back and pouting. He stays there staring at me for awhile on the opposite side of the counter.

I was feeling uncomfortable under his gaze and it was becoming awkward.
"I know I'm beautiful, stop staring" I say making a dramatic gesture of flipping my hair over my shoulder. Only it didn't work out because my hair is shorter now so I was just flipping air.

He chuckles a little. His shoulders vibrating up and down as he does so. "I was gonna say you look very tired, and tipsy"

I smirk. "what's your point?" I ask.

"How are you going to get home, it's almost 3?"

"Oh, shit" I jump up a little, eyes wide.

"What?!" Sam asks surprised by my suddenly worried face.

"I forgot to feed my dog!" I say sighing and leaning back against the chair again.

"Oh, you have a dog?"

"No, why?"

Sam laughs. "Alright, definitely tipsy, time to get you home!" He says going around the counter to my side.

"No, I can't drive, I can't it's scary when your drunk" I exclaim wrapping my fingers around the counter top.

"No I'm gonna drive, where are your keys?"

"Oh...there in Trix's bag."

Which was on the floor with vomit spattered on the side. Sam bends down to pick it up, back facing me, showing me a great view of his butt and back muscles. When he stands back up with the bag, he starts digging through it.

"Hey!" I shout pointing at him. "You there"

He looks up at me with his eyes bright, and as always, full of humor. He smirks again. "What's up, curly cue?"

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