Chapter 4 :D

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When I get home, it's already 4:25. I immediately go upstairs to my room, where I hang up my jacket, and slip off my vans, and change into more comfy clothes.

Then I do what I always do, turn on some music, lay on my messy bed, and go through Instagram and pintrest.

Geez, Instagram girls need to cover up, like seriously, Cindy, have some respect for yourself! Just as I scroll pass another bikini selfie, Trix texts me.

Savage Dwarf:) : hey chickie, there's a party Friday night, you up for it??

Me: free booze? Hot guys? And loud music? I'm there!! U sure u wanna go?

Savage Dwarf:) : Oh yeah!! I'll ask Blake too but I'm sure he's already planned to go.

Me: alright, get ready at my house?

Savage Dwarf:) : Actually, how bout my house? It's closer to the party!

Me: k sounds good! :D

"ANYA!!" Dear God mom could u scream any louder? "DINNER IS READY!!!"

"Coming" I shout, quieter then her, Rolling my eyes.

Me: I'll talk to ya lata, the underworld demon known as my mother has summoned me.

I bounce downstairs, humming "do re mi" by blackbear, I'd sing it but my mom would have a fit if she heard a curse coming from my mouth. My mom's curse words include gosh, golly, goodness, etc.

"Hi Dad" I say as I walk into the dining room. He's already eating as usual, but he smiles at me when I greet him, then continues his meal.

Mom is already sitting down but hasn't touched her food. My mom believes that no one should eat until everyone is at the table. Of course, dad and my brother have broken that rule plenty of times, and honestly I have too, but she doesn't force it on us. However, when someone isn't present and the food is out she patiently sits there, hands folded, waiting, she doesn't say anything, just stares when u walk in and take a seat. It's creepy.

Anyway, I take a seat not making eye contact with her. I don't look up until I hear her crunching on her chips. I start my meal and realize it's too quiet. Roubon isn't here. That must be why.

I turn to my mom. "Hey, Mom where's Roubon?" I ask with a mouthful of cheese burger.

"Anya, Please don't talk when your mouth is full" she replies without glancing at me.

I quickly chew my food, take a sip of tea and start again rolling my eyes. "Where's Roubon?"

"He went to a friend's house" She says looking up at me, blankly. I can tell something's off, she's giving me short answers and usually by now she would've asked me about how my day at school had gone. Must be my hair, she's still upset. I put it up before dinner because I knew if I didn't she would've asked me to and I don't want to fight with her again. However, a few curls had come out while I recklessly jumped down the stairs.

"Oh, Reese's?" I question, slipping a curl behind my ear. Reese is Roubon's best friend. They hang out constantly, he lives pretty close so sometimes he bikes over to play video games or swim in our pool or vice versa.


"Oh" I say hoping she'll elaberate. Instead she quietly chews her food as if she couldn't tell I'm trying to make converstaion. I sigh. "So, what friend then?"

"A boy he met at the park."

I laugh, more fake then anything, to show her I know what she's doing and I think she's being ridiculous and childish. I honestly find this amusing, I feel like I'm trying to talk to a elementary school friend after I didn't invite her to a sleepover. Way to tense and dramatic.

"Care to tell us his name?" I ask smiling, daring her to give me another short answer.


I give up. At least she answered I guess. I finish up my meal and put my dishes in the sink, and head to my safe place, my room.


Next few days weren't to eventful. Tuesday, Blake slept with two other girls, Wenesday, Trix fell quiet at lunch as everyone listened to Zach break up with Lily in the cafeteria, And Thursday night Roubon went to his mysterious friend Dez's house again.

Now it's Friday, Blake found another girl to spend his first period with, everyone is still whispering about Lily being dumped for the first time, and mom is still giving me the silent treatment.

Trix and I are at her locker, waiting til it's time to go to class.

"So, this party tonight? Is Adam going?" I asked hopefully, but not too eagerly, casually leaning against my locker searching for his backwards baseball cap above the crowd of students.

"Nope" she replies, popping the p. "Zach's party, not gonna see Adam there."

"Damn it" Adam and Zach use to be friends, until Zach slept with Adam's girlfriend.

"There's gonna be other guys there to fill up your time." She replies smirking. " I heard Sam is gonna be there" she sighs dreamily.

I give her a confused look. "Sam........?"

She rolls her eyes. "Don't even try that, you remember him."

"Yeah I do but I wish I didn't.....he's an asshole, why is he gonna be there anyway? I thought he stopped coming to Westen's high school parties??"

Samuel Eastover, my mortal enemy, ever since second grade. He's gone to every school I've been to, except Westen. It all started in second grade, we were cutting hearts out of bright pink and red paper, for Valentine's day and he threw his sissors at me. Ok.....well after I cut his hair with mine. He had it coming though.

Sam sat in front of me and constantly turned around and made fun of my curly hair. He'd pull it and put things in it while I wasn't looking. When I was younger my hair looked like an affro, it was puffy and frizzy, that's probably why he thought it'd be okay to make fun of it. He always looked perfect, his hair was little long in the back, and shaggy everywhere else. Every little girl had a crush on him mainly because they all loved his hair, and he knew it.

I had complained to my mom about him teasing me, but all she told me was to be the peacemaker and just turn the other cheek.

So this one time, he turned around and said that I could be a clown in a circus if I dyed my hair bright pink like our valentine hearts. I got so mad, I had had enough of him making fun of me all year, screw being a peacemaker. So when he turned back around with that stupid smirk on his face I decided to start cutting his hair instead of my bright pink paper. When he realized what I had been doing, he threw a fit while I sat there staring. I was scared of the consequences, but I still couldn't help but burst out laughing as he jumped up and down maniacally with a giant bald spot on the back of his head. "Now who's the clown?" I asked. That's when he threw his siccors, which conviently the teacher had not seen. Miss. Matchner made me sit in the corner while she comforted "poor Whittle" Sam, but I didn't care when she called my mom because I was satisfied that I just made all those little girls and Sam extremely mad at me for messing up his "godlike" hair.

Ever since, Sam had still made fun of me through out middle school until he completely forgot about me when we both parted ways to different high schools. He went to some of weston's parties because he had made some buddies here but I hadn't ever seen him at the ones that I went to. Trix did though.

"I swear Anya, he is SO hot now, like idk he was always cute in elementary but now, he is...ah idk just so hot." She giggled. He couldn't be that hot, Trix thinks every guy is hot, except Zach. I couldn't see Sam being hot, in second grade he had a big nose, and throughout middle school he suffered from awful achne. Oh well, maybe he's changed i guess we'll find out.

Well another not to interesting chapter, but hopefully my next few should keep you reading. ;-)

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