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Krystal & Adam were the first things me & Justin saw when we woke up. I wake up with Justin's boner on my butt. Justin slept with only his boxers while I slept with Justin's shirt. Krystal jumps on the bed while Adam hits us with pillows. Justin sits up&puts his arm around me then I get up. Krystal gets on me and says

K:get up sexy lovers

while Justin smacks Adam back with pillows, comes over to me&Krystal &kisses me good morning then carries me bridal style into the shower with him. Krystal took a shower once Justin&me got out, then Adam. Once we all got dressed we went to a bakery&cafe down the street to get breakfast. Justin&Adam went to order &wait for the food while me &Krystal are sitting down at the table talking.

K:you guys were out all night, where'd you guys go?

L:we went to eat outside the Taj Mahal, went street shopping, went walking, catching up, &to a abandoned building, made out.

K:is that all you really did?

L:not all

We stay silent for a few seconds while she runs her fingers thru her short, honey colored, straight, hair. Her hazel eyes pierce mine trying to figure out what im not telling her,  she gives up and says

K:well then what else? Spill!

Just then Justin looks back at me &I look at him, he smiles while I bite my lip&then smile. He looks back at Adam &they continue to talk. Krystal was looking the whole time me&Justin were exchanging glances.Krystal opens her mouth wide then smiles.








L:yes it happened okay, it was amazing he was so sweet he is the best, it was so fun, I was an animal to him while he was gentle &asking if I was okay, but he was getting his sexy on too haha, he thought I was sexy though. He was really romantic though. It was flawless. The best night of my life.

K:oh my God Lourdes you're 14, but still you had sex with Bieber, Justin Bieber

L:I know I know, but it just happened. I didn't want it to stop. I know he'll never hurt me. We really love each other.I need someone that loves me more than anything, more than I love him&that's Justin, actually no we love each other just the same.

K:was he good

L:I'm not sure what good is in this case, but he was WOW.

K:was he coming on too hard?

L:no not much he was when it was necessary. Haha he asked me while we were doing it if I've done it before he said I was really good. Haha I love this kid. He was teasing too. He felt bad like he just took my child hood away, but we talked in the end and it was just......perfect

K:was he...

L:no that's it I've said too much okay, no mas.

K:Lourdes please

L:Krystal no you'll understand when it happens to you.

Right then Justin looks at me again then comes gives me a long kiss then goes back, gets the food, &comes back with Adam.

A:were you girls talking too much bout me.

Then he kisses Krystal, sets down the food and flashes his light green eyes at her while her hand is on his muscular bicep asking for another kiss

K:no we didn't even say anything about boyfriends.

they kiss again. When they finish, Adam fixes his jet black curls in his hair by running his hand thru it and the two guys sit down.

We all eat our breakfast then go to the hotel to let everyone know where we're going&that we'll call them if anything happens etc... We get into Justin's black Range Rover that he rented here. We went everywhere possible &did everything that we could. We drew on sidewalks, went on private tours, the guys tried weird foods, some I would try but Krystal on the other hand was mentally throwing up. Lastly we all went to a color festival, where they throw colorful powder, draw on elephants, &give free colorful small porcelain elephants that are apparently for good luck. Along the way papparazzi would bother us for pictures, & there were fans asking for pictures &autographs from Justin. We finally went back to the hotel around 9 pm. We rented movies, ate popcorn, made out, laughed, then feel asleep during a movie, just the usual movie night routine. Justin&me snuck out to go to the abandoned building while everyone was asleep. The abandoned place is like our tree except its not a tree and its in India, but it means something to us. We didnt do it though. We just talked about while we were away what we did&just talked. We then made out&when things were getting too heated up we went back to the hotel.


We woke up in the hotel and got ready, then the four of us met up and hung out with my family &Justin's family, bodyguards, manager,& crew Saturday &Sunday.


Monday Justin went to record a few songs in the studio so he was gone most of the day. So Krystal, Adam, I went looking for Justin's present. Krystal & Adam got him headphones& lucky elephant underwear. I drew the tree back in Stratford with the abandoned place with the blanket we used & printed it on a shirt &two separate dog tags for him with the date we first kissed&first went there with our initials&they both say first time in capital letters on the back. We went back to the hotel and fell asleep, Justin got into bed a few hours later. I felt like we're a married couple and have done this so many times before, that he's late from work and then he gets in bed and snuggles up with me whispers I love you then goes to sleep. I hope this won't be the last time I feel this way.

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