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I park my car at the park & we go walking around the park talking, kissing, & laughing. We finally sat at our tree branch at 12:37am, It's Friday. Lou covered her hands with her hoodie & put one on my face & said

LOU:Ju I love you but I was thinking I wanna do this, but when I finally am gonna do it I get scared & I have school the advance thing is really important & high school exams are in 3 weeks I can't miss that. I need to focus on school right now. Understand?

I grab her waist put my arm around her while she holds her hands now.

JUSTIN:no I'm not sure what you mean.

LOU:I don't wanna go on tour right now.

I put my head down & feel helpless. Shes NOT GOING? Everyone said yes we're so close what's going on?

JUSTIN:what Lou we're so close you can't do this I can't be without you. This is selfish of you.

LOU:I'm being selfish? I wanna go to school. I barely do anything for me & only me. You just want me to go on tour with you that's selfish, you don't care if I wanna go to school.

JUSTIN:I care about you Lou I love you I do care, but you want to go to tour with me & I'll miss you.

L:oh yeah you'd miss me and miss my body&go to a hooker to remember me &not be lonely.

J:really? Have you noticed anything. I haven't been to a strip club since king of diamonds in Miami. I've been a better person with you. You're really gonna bring that up.

I try to hug her, but she crosses her arms scoots away from me &looks at me with tears in her eyes, I go to kiss her cheek to make her feel better,but instead she turns her head I sigh then jump off the branch I can't stand this i hate being rejected especially by her I look back&get ready for what im about to shout

J:but you know what any hooker would give more love to me than you ever could.

Then I put my hands in my pockets &begin to cry, its incredible how things can change in 10 freaking seconds.I stop wanting to turn around run back to her then make up for what I've done, but something tells me I should keep going. I stay still though turn my head&see Lou looking at the moon with tears. I was about to go running to her, to hold her in my arms tell her it's okay we'll be fine &tell her I love her&I'm sorry, but she sees me looking&opens her mouth. She says something that breaks me&gives me the urge to break down&cry &punch the living shit out of anything&everything. She says while wiping away the tears

L:you know we're nothing okay I'm sure you're lovers would be happy to hear that &love yOu all night well what am i saying either way, you would still let them.

She lies down.I cry more. I go to my car. She looks at the moon, then i look at it, i then realize that it looked the same way it did that night we first kissed.-----L/POV---------- I saw Justin crying I hate seeing him cry, but I just lie down & look at the moon. I look at it & recognize it then I sit up & look at Justin, he gets in the car & looks at the moon. I was gonna go up to him get in his car & apologize then make up, but he started the car before I could even open my eyes then stopped the car, looked at me one last time with a real serious face then drove off. I stay there waiting to see if he'll come back, but he never did. I can't belIeve what I said & I knew Justin did too. I never ever thought I would mention hookers to him in any way. I didn't want it to be over & if we ever did break up I thought it wouldn't be me that made it happen, it was usually like that. Justin probably would've done it if I haven't done it first. Anyways it's done its over. I wanted to make it work I honestly thought it would, but its hard especially a guy as busy as Justin, but I was willing to make it work & so was he. It's weird how things finish so rough & so fast, but don't go away as much as you want them to, it's like your mind knows you care still. I think about his tour & how he's gonna be away for so long & it made me sad. I know he's going to come back soon maybe not for me but he's coming home to say bye before tour. I go home, take a shower, lie on the couch,then get all the ice cream from the freezer and begin eating ice cream with all the sweets I could find watching never say never. I might as well not try to forget bout him cuz everything reminds me of him. It's weird how my house smells like him, but I love it. I try going to sleep & dream that we're still together, but I wake up crying. I'm staying home & just trying to sleep. I wear his clothes its not because I wanna remember him which I do, but its because they smell good & they're comfortable, just like him. I stay up all night. My family left the house already. I look at my phone waiting for Justin to call or text or something. I give up & put the phone down then the phone rings. It's Krystal.

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