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----2 months later----L/POV--Its February 23, 6 weeks ago Justin left to Asia &on Thursday I'm going to him for his birthday in India. I have so many things to talk about with him that I couldn't talk to him about on a webcam or a letter or on the phone &I know it's the same with him. He thinks I'm arriving on his birthday so I'm coming earlier by a few days and staying for a week. I did all the cathing up work i would have to do while im away and It's 4:21 &Krystal finally gets here to help me pack. My sister is asleep I already packed her stuff. Krystal gets in my room to help me

K:hey I can't wait I'm actually going to spend Justin's birthday with Justin in India with my best friend. I'm already all packed thanks for helping. Then we leave Thursday my God.

L:yeah but Lauryn not going her mom didn't let her even though Justin is paying for the flight and Ana is going to Cuba so yeah just you and me.

K:And JUSTIN. He's so sweet ahh oh my God. Jeez never ever would I imagine this. So are you gonna hu hu the hunk hunk.

While saying that she shimmies her body &raises her eyebrows.

L:Krystal no I tried no just no not yet.

K:what you almost oh my freaking God I need the details what happen to being best friends you dont tell me shit anymore.

L:Sorry I haven't found the time.

She smacks me with my bra then continues to pack& says

K:anyway details

L:well Justin came in the rain we were both really emotional from being away from each other &fighting. He came inside after we made out for a hella long time in the rain, we went to my bedroom &he stopped we talked about it &that we missed each other& how life is unexpected sometimes not in the best ways &that we love each other & how he thought I was too young &not ready, but he'd wait for me as long as he had to. I wanted to so so so much but thanks to him I realized I honestly didn't want to now. I love him for that he knows me even when I don't,but we ended up taking a shower together then watched old movies &fell asleep on the couch together. It was the best...oh& he gave me this dog tag from California even though we were broken up he's the best thing ever.

I hold the dogtag in my hand while Krystal looks at it around my neck.

I smile really wide then drop myself on the bed squealing &kicking my feet in excitement. Krystal doesn't know what to do so she eventually joins me. Then after a few minutes of that we finish packing & start to talk

K:it honestly was you that wanted to

L:yeah but he wanted to do it too, but he didn't for me.

K:wow I need a boyfriend.

L:I can hook you up if you want.

K:actually im with Adam.

I snicker & widen my eyes as if it were a big surprise

L:oh okay together...again

She smacks me again this time with Justin's boxers. She doesn't notice they're his until after she smacks me with it. She hugs the boxers and opens her mouth while blushes then says

K:are these his

I nod while I lick my lips then smile. Krystal puts on a confused face & opens her mouth

K:how if...

L:he stays over sometimes, but we don't do anything we just sleep together &take showers together &he leaves things. My luck I guess.

I laugh& blush------its Thursday, we're all at the airport getting ready to get on the plane. Adam ended up coming with us. We talk about hotel plans & we'll all stay in two rooms that lead to each other my parents with my sister in one then Adam, Krystal& me in the other. It's the same hotel Justin is staying so he can sneak in with us. We got on the plane my parents &sister sit in the row in front of us. After talking bout things we wanna do &imagining how Justin's birthday will end up we fall asleep. I planned some of Justin birthday. We'll have the birthday day with everyone around lunch until 8 then his friends, my friends, and us going round India.

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