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Rumble, Viper, and I made our way to the battle at hand, destroying everything in our way. Finding my team on the battlefield, I started firing into the dwindling horde of Titans.

"I was wondering when you'd join the party." Mercury said over the comms.

"Sorry, Merc. I was a little busy. I don't know if you watched the fireworks," I retorted.

"You guys okay?" Emerald asked.

"Never-" I sliced a Titan who got too close in half with Scavenger's scythe. "Better."

"Ilia!" Viper barked over the comms. "We're back in the air. Time for another bombing run." Northstar's thrusters ignited and she flew above us, her missile pods opening. Ilia said nothing as she and Thundercracker did the same.

"Split up. We'll cover more ground that way," Ilia ordered.

"Understood. Bring the rain." Missiles rained down from the flying Titans, leaving nothing but fire in their wake.

When the pilots and their Titans landed, I commed Viper. "Are you still jacked into the IMC comm channels?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Let me know when they call for a retreat."

"You're late to the punch on that one. They just did. Their dropships should be able to get all their forces out."

I commed everyone. "According to Viper, the IMC has been called into a retreat back to the Frontier. Let them go. There's nothing for us anymore."

What few soldiers and Titans remained retreated and boarded their massive dropships and cruisers. I silently watched them leave, running away like cowards. I never expected cowardice from the IMC, but this journey has been full of surprises so far.


I walked with Briggs through the Militia outpost as they were gearing up to leave. "I will admit, I was uncertain about you at first, captain." Briggs stopped waking. "But you proved me wrong. You're a brave soldier, and I am proud to fight alongside you." She resumed walking and I followed. "I have a proposition for you. I need more soldiers like you fighting in the Militia. I would like to offer you and the Apex Predators a spot in the Militia as a commanding officer."

"I'm honored that you would even consider me, but I'll need some time to think about it."

"Of course. We'll be heading out in a week or so. Do you think you'll have an answer by then?"

"Yes. Thank you, commander. Just, thank you for everything. Thank you for answering my distress call, coming here, and fighting with me."

"Without answering your call, we wouldn't have been able to put that big of a dent in the IMC. You're a good leader, Hunter. I hope to see you soon with an answer." Briggs walked away and I began to walk back to Beacon.

Deciding that was stupid, I commed Viper. "Can I hitch a ride?"

Viper and Northstar appeared moments later. "You have got to stop asking." Viper was silent for a second. "Climb on and hold onto something."

As Northstar flew, I looked on at the streets of Vale. I noticed the smoldering, blood-stained, twisted Titan chassises that littered the street and only one thought entered my mind: I cannot let Atlas get their hands on Frontier tech.

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