Untitled Part 14

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Oliver leaned down and gave her a sloppy, happy kiss, as she laughed, hugging him tight. She stiffened as she saw Slade pull up next to them, and glared at him as Oliver let her go, moving her behind him as he turned to Slade. Slade looked at Oliver. "Enjoy the win kid. Next time you won't be so lucky.", he said before he looked at Felicity and then drove off.

Roy and John walked over, slapping Oliver on the shoulder. "Great driving man." John said proudly.

Roy threw his arm around Felicity with a smile. "We make a good team Smoak.", he said. "Wanna make it a permanent one?"

Felicity placed a finger on her chin, thinking. "On one condition Harper. I get my own tool drawer and you don't call me Blondie.", she grinned.

He kissed her cheek, "Ok on the first condtition. We will discuss the second.", he said laughing as she punched his arm.

Oliver handed Roy and John their cut of the money, and then smiled as he handed Felicity $1,000. She looked up in surprise. "What is this Oliver?"

"I couldn't have done this without you Felicity. You earned this and WE want you to have it.", he said with a smile. John and Roy both nodded in agreement.

"Well I AM the best hot rod mechanic in Star City.", she grinned.

"You are the best hot rod mechanic anywhere Miss Smoak.", he said with a smile.

John looked at Roy, and Roy nodded at him. "Well Roy and I are going to head out guys. Again, great race man." John said and then looked at Felicity. "Glad to have you aboard Felicity.", he said with a warm smile. Roy winked at her as they walked off.

Felicity looked up at Oliver with a grin. "Sooo Mr. Queen.", she said, sidling closer as she grabbed the lapels of his leather jacket. "I think we should head back to the garage and celebrate your win.", she leaned up and kissed him. Oliver's hands settled on her face, as he smiled at her.

"I could not agree more Miss Smoak."

She grinned at him before snatching the keys out of his hand. "I'm driving Queen.".

Oliver laughed as he headed around to the passenger side. Felicity slid into the driver's seat, and turned the key. She would never tire of the sound that growled from the engine. Felicity winked at Oliver. "Hold on tight.", she said before she hit the gas. The way she was gripping the gear shift and handling his beast of a car made Oliver shift in his seat. He couldn't wait to get her alone.

Felicity pulled the car into the garage, and turned off the engine, as Oliver closed the garage door behind them. Felicity could feel her pulse racing and her breathing quicken and she knew it was only partly from the drive. Opening the door she stood by the car, as Oliver approached her. He was looking exceptionally good in his jeans and t-shirt, and Felicity unconsciously licked her lips as he drew near. She sucked in a breath as Oliver walked right up to her and pressed her to the car with his body. She could feel him long and hard, pressing into her stomach as he leaned down.

"I believe you said something about the back seat Miss Smoak."

Felicity smiled and slipped under his arm, moving away from him. She gave him a wicked grin as she headed to the garage office. "Don't go anywhere Oliver.", she said before slipping into the office. A few minutes later Oliver heard the door open, and his mouth almost fell open. Felicity had changed into a short black mini-skirt and she had on those damn heels from the fundraiser. Walking right past him, she pushed forward the driver's seat and climbed into the back. Oliver about swallowed his tongue when she bent over to climb inside. Jesus she had a sinful ass.

As she settled in the back seat, she crooked her finger at him, giving him room to join her. Oliver climbed in, closing the door and pulling the front seat back into place. His breathing was increasing as Felicity slid her leg over his thighs and settled onto his lap, her hands coming to rest on his shoulders. She reached down and pulled a condom from the pocket of her skirt and placed it on the seat beside them.

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