Untitled Part 10

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Oliver woke up on Friday, showered and dressed for the day. He had two back to back meetings at QC and then an afternoon of conference calls before the fundraiser tonight. He would not get to stop by the garage. He had hoped to see Felicity but QC business had kept him busy, so he had not seen her since Wednesday. As he got dressed for the day he wondered if she would show up tonight.

Oliver went downstairs for breakfast and had a conversation with his parents about the evening. He hoped tonight went well, and kissing his Mom on the cheek left for the office. By the time the meetings were over Oliver had a headache. Sometimes the meetings went long and that had been the case for both today. Quickly eating the lunch John had picked up for him, he closed his door and put on his headset as he got ready for the conference calls. John settled in on the couch. It was going to be a long afternoon.

Felicity rushed into the garage that morning. Today they were going put on the bumper. She was excited because they were close to being finished with the car. Once the bumper and sides had been painted it would just be a matter of fixing the brakes. She has some surprises for Oliver that she had installed in the car, and she couldn't wait for him to test them out. She and Roy worked quietly for most of the day as their music played softly in the background. As the evening approached, Roy stopped and looked at her. She was hard at work still.

"Um, Felicity? Don't you have something to be getting ready for?", he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you talking about Harper?", she said, still working and not looking at him.

Roy walked over to her, and placed his hands on his hips. "I think you are suppose to be heading home to get ready for a fundraiser?", he said pointedly.

Felicity sighed. She had really thought about going tonight, but something was holding her back. Roy saw the look in her eyes, and took her arm gently to get her attention. "Felicity? I really think you owe it to yourself to go tonight.", he said. "The Glades is important to you.", he paused. "And so is Oliver."

Felicity looked at him, trying to act like he was wrong. But they both knew he wasn't. She didn't know what to do.

As Oliver put on his tuxedo, he thought about calling Felicity. But he didn't want to pressure her and truth be told, he was afraid she would just tell him no again. So he was going to go and have a good time with Tommy and Laurel and maybe he would stop by and see Felicity when it was over. He actually found he was missing her. Grabbing his jacket, Oliver headed down the stairs. John was waiting at the bottom in his own tuxedo and Oliver grinned.

"You clean up nice my friend.", he said to John as they walked out to the car. John placed a hand on his shoulder stopping Oliver before he got into the car.

"She will be there man.", he said encouragingly. Oliver nodded before getting in the car.

As they pulled up to Verdant, Oliver got out of the car looking at the entrance. There was a huge banner marketing the event and Oliver headed up the stairs knowing that John would check in with security before heading inside. Oliver smiled politely as he made his way across the room. The venue was packed and that was a good sign. Proceeds from ticket sales as well as donations made in-house were making up the majority of the money and based on the amount of people in the room, they had more than met their goal. Oliver headed up the stairs to the VIP section waving to acquaintances as he passed. Seeing Tommy and Laurel, he walked over giving Laurel a kiss on the cheek before giving Tommy a hug.

"Wow Tommy, what a great turn-out. You did good man.", Oliver said, glancing around the room.

"Where is your date?", Laurel, asked, looking to around.

'I didn't bring one tonight.", Oliver said with a tight smile.

Laurel looked at him in surprise. Oliver Queen always had a beautiful woman on his arm at these functions. She looked at Tommy who was giving Oliver a smirk.

"Smoak turn you down?', he asked with a grin.

Oliver glared at his best friend, turning to look down over the ground floor.

"Smoak?', Laurel asked, intriqued.

"She's Oliver's car mechanic.". Tommy said with a smile. "A very nice looking one at that."

Laurel quirked an eyebrow at Oliver, placing her arm through Tommy's. "A mechanic hu? So she's smart then.", Laurel said with a grin. Oliver smiled at Tommy shaking his head, as he headed down to the bar. He needed a drink.

As he approached the bar, he noticed something that caught his attention. He noticed the blonde hair first. It cascaded down the beautiful lines of a back that was made for a man's hands. Then he noticed the color of the dress. It was hunter green. Oliver approached her slowly, as he saw her sipping a glass of wine. Her ruby red lips so familiar. They were lips he had tasted in his dreams over and over and over. Oliver leaned against the bar next to her, and motioned for the bartender to bring him a whiskey. Then he turned to her. She glanced over at him with a sexy grin, her body stiffening slightly. Oliver Queen in a suit was sinful, but Oliver Queen in a tuxedo was temptation she could not resist. Oliver let his eyes roam over her and his breath caught when he saw the slit in the front of the dress, that as she was sitting with her legs crossed, showed her leg all the way up to the thigh.

Oliver was fucked!

Adrenaline!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon