Untitled Part 3

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Felicity was a little nervous about heading back to the racing scene. She had been gone for a few months taking care of her mother, but she had kept up with gossip in Star City's underground racing and had heard that Slade's team had been on top for weeks. She knew it would be awkward seeing Slade again, but she really wanted to see what Queen's car could do.

John pulled up to the spot where they were to meet Oliver and parked, and Oliver pulled up to the line as they were getting out of the SUV. And as she feared as soon as Slade saw her, he headed her way. Slade had pursued Felicity for several months not only in a professional capacity as his crews mechanic, but also in a romantic one. Felicity had never returned his interest and when she left to go take care of her Mom, he had given her space. But seeing her back brought up some of those feelings.

"Smoak!", he said. Walking toward her with Shado right behind him. "It's been awhile. I heard you left Star City.", he said, giving her a once over. She was still beautiful.

"Hi Slade. I left to go take care of my Mother while she was sick and now I am back.", she said as she felt Oliver, John and Roy walk up next to her.

Slade looked at them, "You runnin' with Queen's crew now?", he asked a little bitter. He had always kept tabs on her before she left, and the thought of him starting it again was taxing. Felicity was getting irritated. "First of all it is none of your business whose crew I run with, and second, I am here with my friend Roy to watch a race. There is going to be a race right?", she asked, looking at him and his car pointedly.

Slade grinned, "Still as fiesty as ever I see.". Shado had not taken her eyes off of Oliver since they approached, but she gave Felicity a condenscending look after hearing Slade's tone, before turning her attention back to Oliver.

Oliver took a step toward Slade, moving a little in front of Felicity. It was obvious that she and Slade had a history, but for some reason he did not like the way Slade was looking at her. He pulled out $2,000, holding it up to Slade.

"Are you here to race Slade or flirt with the pretty ladies?", he asked.

Slade gave Oliver a hard look, before taking a roll of $100's out of his pocket and showing it to Oliver. "Oh I am definitely here to race Queen. Pretty soon, you will be seeing nothing but the cloud of smoke from my tires." Slade gave Felicity a wink before heading back to his car. Before she left, Shado approached Felicity, her eyes cold. "He's with me now Smoak. Remember that."

Felicity gave her a hard stare, "I never wanted him in the first place.", she mumbled. Oliver glanced her way, hearing her comment, before placing the money back in his pocket and following Roy and John to his car. John immediately started giving him the stats.

"Ok, Oliver this race is going to be a sprint for about a half a mile. He's driving a 2005 Honda Civic hatchback, that has been fitted with a nitrous oxide system. Even though he has gained some speed with that system, he is going to be using up his fuel fast. You need to get a jump on the start to win this one man."

Oliver nodded as he listened to Diggle. While Roy was good with the car, Diggle was good with the intel and what he had just told Oliver would help him immensely. Felicity listened from the side. She really did not want Slade to win this one, so she moved forward, getting Oliver's attention.

"Queen! John is right. If he produces enough power, using nitrous oxide could damage his engine. You need to get a jump off the start. Make him use speed to catch up.", Felicity said, standing close, her voice low so only they could hear her. "Also the fact he is using nitrous oxide means he cannot use it until he is at wide open throttle, which could create traction issues at the hit, so watch your side. If he drifts into your lane, it could be disastrous", she said looking him. Her eyes wide with concern. She didn't know why she decided to warn him of that.

Oliver looked at her intently with a hint of surprise. Then pulling himself together he smirked and ran a finger down her cheek. Felicity shivered. "You worried about me Smoak?"

"Nope. I am worried about your car.", she said, before stepping away. But she had been affected by his touch, and he knew that.

Oliver gave John and Roy a nod before heading to this car and climbing inside. He really wanted to win this race. And hopefully with the information he had been given, he would. John, Roy and Felicity all headed to the halfway mark. Felicity glanced back over her shoulder as they walked down the curb. He was staring right at her. He saluted her before starting his engine. Oliver shifted his gaze to the man who was standing between him and Slade. He gunned his engine warming her up, as he heard Slade start his motor. Clutching the steering wheel and placing a hand on the gear shift, he waited patiently, his eyes never leaving the starter. Oliver saw the hand go down and he was off. John, Roy and Felicity stopped as they heard the squeal of tires and smelled the smoke. She watched in fascination as Oliver flew by with Slade on his tail by a second. It was going to be close but Oliver had Slade chasing him so that was good. However, as Slade opened up his throttle and hit the nitrous oxide, he drifted. Oliver saw him out of the corner of his eye and corrected, but he hit a patch of gravel, causing his car to fishtail.

"Shit!", Oliver said as he hit the breaks, but his car hit the curb, bounced up and landed nose down in the ditch, causing Oliver to hit the windshield. Everything went black.

John, Roy and Felicity watched in horror as Slade drifted over toward Oliver's car. When Oliver corrected his car fishtailed on some gravel, and hit the curb before flying into the ditch. They immediately ran toward him. Felicity's heart was pounding as they approached the car. Oliver had hit his head and was out cold.

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