Chapter 1

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Being young can be very challenging. Your trying to figure out who you are and what you want to do with your life.

Well I thought at the age of 22, everything would be set in stone, written in the stars and destiny would take over, for the most part it was all figured out until he showed up and flipped my world upside down.

"Star wake up, we should have been on the road an hour ago." A pillow smashed onto my head, thanks to my lovely roommate Lillian. Lillian was my best friend since the 6th grade. We were just two girls dealing with puberty and annoying middle school boys. I'm sure every girl can agree with that. Once we graduated from from high school we both attended Sunset University in Riverbend, Texas and lived in our happy little dorm together. Graduation was in one week so to celebrate we were heading up to Ruidoso to relax in a cabin and enjoy the wilderness.

"I'm awake Lillian, I was just resting my eyes." I sat up in bed and looked at the clock 9am. It was a 2 hour drive but the shops close at 5pm so you want an early start to enjoy the place. I quickly got up and made my way to our way too pink bathroom thanks to Lillian. It was like entering another universe. I quickly brushed my teeth, brushed out my hair and applied some foundation, mascara and lip gloss. I walked back to my closet and slipped into a pair skinny jeans, tennis shoes and a simple black t-shirt. We had packed the night before and had our bags near the door.

"Alright let's head out Lil," We grabbed our things and made our way out the door, locking it behind us. We made our way to the parking garage loading all of our bags into my Jeep Wrangler. I loved my baby so much, she was perfect for trips like these. I had made off roading my bitch.

"Lillian you drive, you remember the way better than I do," I tossed her the keys and climbed into the passenger side. Lillian was the only other person, besides myself of course who could drive my baby. I trusted her with my life so I can trust her with my baby, besides she knows if she even dents my Jeep. I'm beating her with a stick, simple. She puts the car into drive and on the road we go.

"Since I'm driving your in charge of the adventure playlist babe." She hands me the aux cord and I instantly start blaring our eardrums with Queen.

After 2 hours of Queen and sick guitar solos we finally saw the welcome sign, Welcome to Ruidoso.
Our cabin sat high in the mountains, with a patch of trees surrounding the cabin and stunning flowers filling the front yard. It was the beginning of June and summer was just getting it's kicks. Thankfully we had a shaded area. We unpacked and made our way in the cabin, it was clean, and stocked. Lillian's dad owned the property up here so all these cabins belonged to him and he would rent them out all year long. Luckily for us the cabin was free and the fridge was stocked.

This was going to be a good week.

If only I had known.

This story is an original. The characters are mine and so is the plot. Many of the places are fictional except Ruidoso.

I have no claim to Ruidoso.

I really hope you enjoy this new story.
If your an American Horror Story fan check out my Michael Langdon fan fiction His One.

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