Chapter 16

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With my announcement, the silence that followed was deafening. "I'll be donating one million dollars to the charity." 

"Any . . . other offers for Ms Lila," the room was silent.

"Congratulations, Ms Lila is yours to treat to dinner for the night." I smiled.

All this time, Lila has been avoiding me. I needed to clear up the situation with her. I needed her to understand that I would never cheat on her.

I loved her so much that it hurt me physically to think about it.

The day she threw that picture at me, I felt my stomach drop. I didn't think for a second that she would find out about the kiss.

It was my fault our relationship became strained. With the secrets and the stress from work combining, our relationship became stretched to the limit.

I should've listened to Marco and should have told her the truth from the get go. 

I took her hand in mine and gave it a kiss. "Will you come this way milady." 

She followed reluctantly, not wanting to cause a scene. When we got outside, it was a different story. She flung my hand to the side and pushed me. "What's the meaning of this?" 

I looked at her shocked. Her hand covered her face a sob escaped from her lips. "Why are you playing with my emotions?"

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. She clutched my shirt and cried. "Does seeing me cry make you happy?" 

I had promised to never let her cry. . . 

"I would never intentionally make you cry." 

She lifted her head, she sniffled. "Why don't I believe you." Her eyes were clouded with pain. Was doing this a good idea or would I hurt her more.

"Please just come with me." My voice broke. Her eyes widened when she caught the vulnerability I knew was present in my eyes.

At the front, the valet arrived with my car and handed me the keys. I opened the passenger door for Lila and shut it after she climbed in.

Beforehand, I had arranged a dinner for us. I knew I wanted to choose her from the start. It was a quiet restaurant that wasn't frequent much but had the most amazing rooftop view. It was on the same street as one of my hotels where I was staying.

When we arrived, I got out and opened her door for her.  "Come." 

This was where she first told me she wanted to spend her life with me. The nostalgia washed over me as I stood looking at our table.

The entire dinner was awkward. Lila tried to avoid look at me but our eyes would accidentally meet and she would look away. 

She said nothing, But what did I expect.

Lila sighed before taking a sip of water. "Look, I know we have our differences now and our lives might never be the same, but I promise that when our baby is born, we will both have access to the baby. I know what family means to you and I know this child will be your heir—"

"Lila I didn't cheat on you." 

She dropped her fork, "What?" 

Tears immediately filled her eyes. She stood up and stepped backwards. She shook her head in disbelief. "Why are you lying?" She whispered softly.

I too stood to go to her. She backed away and screamed more forcefully. "Why are you fucking lying?"

She rushed towards the door. I caught her hand just as she reached the door. "The woman came on to me that day."

"And you just kissed her. If so, you never thought to tell me."

She pried away my hand before taking off.

I ran my hand through my hair, frustrated. I would never give up on Lila. I ran after her catching her just outside the restaurant. 

 My arms slipped around her waist and gently turned her around. She was so close. The air between us seemed electrified. 

She was gazing at me so intensely that time seemed to slow down around us. I pulled her soft body to my own as she wrapped her hands around my neck.

When our lips met. . .  it was a kiss a thousand years in the making.

Well then.

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