not like other girls

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I hate rjrobronronr

I feel like I'm a bit hypocritical with some of these cause I think some of my characters fall under the categories such as this. I know for a fact Rae does. Some of the others are probably borderline but I try to stay away from it now that I'm aware how annoying it is and how it isn't good writing.

Its just so annoying when a character is blatant about being different from other girls. Like

Queenie Goldstein is awesome, but she's still feminine. So is Selina Kyle and Isabelle Lightwood. I don't care about how your character is oh so different even though they're the most bland thing I've ever read about.

Some characters aren't annoying, Annabeth Chase for example. She isn't particularly feminine, she's more of a tomboy but she's shoving it down your throat like many fictional girls.

I feel like I'm not really making a point with this but stop with that trope. Please.

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