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Now I don't know about you, but I see a lot of stories with kind of the same plot line. Yes I admit, its a bit annoying at times and ridiculous if they're the same.

But just cause stories are similar doesn't mean they're stolen.

I came across a story a couple weeks ago and the plot was very similar to one of mine with different people and I added it to my library because I was interested in seeing how they did the story because I know I can't have been the only person to think of an idea like I had.

But rather than the book actually having chapters it was just angry A/Ns about how people were supposedly stealing their story and the final A/N was about how someone had sent them a message about a story they had found that seemed like theirs and when it was described I could've sworn it was my story due to me not seeing any of story like mine about the person I wrote it about.

And honestly seeing their blatant anger over something as simple as having a similar plotline pissed me off.

I know that there is always that one person to think of it first and then other people jump on the bandwagon and do it too, but I hadn't seen a story like this one before and I was excited to write it out.

Just cause someone thought similarly to you doesn't give you the right to act like they copied your story word for word, maybe calm down and think a little. Thanks.

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