Chapter 4

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The tension in the room could be cut through with a knife as it was that thick. Owen, oblivious to the glares Luca was giving me Owen came to my side and held my waist before introducing me to Luca who looked angry but was trying not to show it. His jaw was clenched while the veins in his neck were popping out.

"This is Alex, Alex this is my business partner and friend," he said and I nodded before awkwardly waving at Luca who fake smiled when Owen looked at him. I was a bit shocked at how Owen said friend, Luca didn't have friends.

"Um Owen, the file I left, can I have it," I quickly mumbled and he nodded before going away to get it leaving me at Luca's mercy.

"You are just so full of surprises aren't you?" he stated glaring at me and I rolled my eyes before glaring back.

"I didn't know you'd a friend," I commented folding my hands in front of my chest.

"Now you know," he said with a frown and I rolled my eyes again.

Before I could say something Owen came back holding the files in his hand and I grabbed it before saying goodbye wanting to leave but Luca stopped me.

"I was also leaving, we can leave together."

I nodded before hugging Owen goodbye and I left the apartment with Luca behind me, his glares boring into the back of my head. Throughout the ride home, he'd forced me into his car, no one talked but I could tell Luca was furious because of his tight grip on the steering and his clenched jaw but then again why was he furious.

"How dare you?" he yelled as soon as we were in the apartment and I rolled my eyes before plopping myself on the couch.

"So this is why you wanted 'space' huh? To cheat on me with my business partner? I can't believe you'd do something like that to me, I trusted you and you signed a contract! What you're doing is a breach of our contract, do you have any idea what you've done could cost us? You're such a bit*h you know that! I trusted you, you're such an ungrateful person and you're selfish too. I took you out of that hopeless situation you were in and this is how you choose to repay me? All you do is spend my money and do nothing but cheat. I don't blame Jack for abusing you like he did-" as soon the words left his mouth I got up to slap him so hard it left my hand a bright red.

"Never again falsely accuse me and then tell me I deserved being abused because I didn't. I was unfortunate; I didn't choose to be abused. As for you helping me, you gave me a way out but otherwise I bounced back, I have my art that gives me a lot of money so for your own information I'm not spending your damn money. You were quick to accuse me of breaching the contract, weren't you the one to breach it by telling me you loved me. The contract clearly states neither of us are to fall in love. You're a hypocrite Luca, that's what you are, so don't go around pointing out my flaws and yet you've got yours too.

My ex husband Jack ripped me of everything, he ripped me of my dreams, aspirations and my hopes. Growing up I'd dreams, I wanted to be someone but after everything Jack did to me I lost myself. I've lost my identity to the extent that I don't know who Grace Black is anymore. I've changed from being an Angels to a Marcel but I haven't been a Black, the person I really am and I hope to be.

I've been in an abusive relationship once; I won't allow myself to be hurt and crushed again by a man in the name of love. No, if you love me like you said you do, you wouldn't be hurting me and falsely accusing me like you are. Owen is my best friend along with Diana, those two help me feel like me. I don't have to play 'live up to billionaire's wife standards' or be the broken girl around them, I feel normal. I know I've been lying to them but being Alex Klein makes me feel normal like I don't have an abusive past.

I can't be friends with you if you're only going to cause me pain and bring me down which is why we should stick to business only."

Luca was taken aback throughout my whole speech and only changed his facial expression after I was done. He had the blank look on his face but his eyes had concern and hurt flashing in his eyes.

"What do you mean by sticking to business?" he finally asked calmly without any emotion leaking in his voice and I couldn't help but scoff at his coldness.

"We can't be friends anymore, we talk when there's need to."

He nodded before staring at the ground looking defeated before slowly mumbling a sorry under his breath.

"Sorry doesn't cut it Luca. It's either you're with me or not, you're supporting me or you're not. The only way you can make everything right again is if you either step up or step out. Oh and cancel all your cards, the ones you gave me, I don't need your damn money."

I roughly pushed him out of my way before heading to my room and I slept on my bed feeling numb, nothing else and I was glad. For once I hadn't succumbed to my emotions, I was strong.

My phone started ringing and I loudly sighed before answering.

"Hey baby girl, it's your mommy." My heart stopped as I heard my mom speak and I took a deep breath to calm myself and not let her know she affected me. "My mother is dead," I replied coldly as I tried not to think about her not fighting for me.

"Grace please give me a chance to explain. Meet me tomorrow at Luca's restaurant at 3 please," she said and I immediately felt furious at Luca for giving that woman my number but I couldn't hold what I said next against Luca.

"I'll be there just not at the restaurant at my apartment; I'll text you the address." 

Pretty please 


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Saving GraceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora