Chapter 25

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They had just gotten back from going out to eat and were now laying on Frank's bed in silence. Frank was stroking Gerard's hair, humming some sort of tune. "Happy birthday, Frank." Gerard mumbled yet again, trailing his fingers up and down his arm. "Thank you, Gee."

"Are you sure-"

"Yes. I'm fine just like this. Best birthday ever." Frank grins, rolling his eyes. Gerard waited a while before saying, "Guess my costume isn't being put to use this year."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm full and we aren't going anywhere."

"That doesn't mean I don't want to see you in it." Frank scoffs, making Gerard's face run red. "But...It's tight. And it'll be stupid."

After Frank argues that it's his birthday and he should get whatever he wants because his mom popped him out of her vagina and he wouldn't be here if she hadn't, Gerard agrees and goes to put on the costume.

Frank was waiting patiently on the bed when he heard Gerard whine on the other side of the bathroom door. He walked over, knocking. "Gee? You okay, baby?"

"I'm fat." Gerard's voice cracks.

"No, you're not. It's skin tight, Gerard. It's supposed to make you feel like you can't breathe."

"Well, I can't zip it up. So, I can't put it on."

"No! Open the door."

"No," Gerard pouts, staring at his reflection. He'd only been able to zip up to the bottom of his waist. "It doesn't fit."

"Gerard. Open. The door."

Gerard unlocks the door and Frank eyes him, making him feel self conscious. He crosses his arms and Gerard looks away, reaching up to mess with his hair. He lets Frank turn him so he can get a good look and hears him click his tongue. Gerard yelps and jumps when Frank tugs at the zipper, trying to zip it himself. "Frank! F-It won't go. OW! You're pulling my skin, idiot!" Gerard smacks his hands away, face red and eyebrows creased.

Frank stares at him, lips parted for some odd reason. The look in his eyes is familiar, but Gerard can't narrow it down to a strong cause. He licks them and his eyes slowly stray down his body.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you an idiot. But you were pulling my skin and-"

Frank backs Gerard up against the counter, taking his breath away. Gerard braces his hands against Frank's chest, very surprised. "What?"

"Are you even wearing underwear?" Frank asks in a husky, hands reaching down to cup his ass. Gerard jumps and blushes harder. "Well, I mean...if it's skin tight there can't be c-clothing in the way. I mean-" "So, you're naked?"

"I-Well, you know if I was wearing boxers it'd be harder to put on and it's hard to now and I'm not wearing any so it's not like I really had a choice when it came to putting this on." Gerard rambles, not looking Frank in the eyes, but at the Jinx Removing tattoo on his neck.

Frank slowly leans his head down, skimming his nose up and down the side of Gerard's face while pulling him closer, rubbing them together, and Gerard's arms shamelessly slip around his broad shoulders as he bites his lip. "So, you're naked?" Frank repeats again in a whisper, running a hand up his back. Gerard leans into the touch, eyes fluttering shut. "Technically, no." Gerard replies, letting a soft moan escape from his mouth. "No, I'm not naked."

"Technically." Frank chuckles lowly, kissing his cheek.


"We should get you out of this." Frank yanks the zipper downwards and Gerard jerks, fingers tightening on Frank's shoulders. He slowly feels himself beginning to freak out. Not in a bad way. They were going to do this? Hopefully? This had been Gerard's plan but Frank wasn't supposed to initiate it. Plus, it's a little too bright in the bathroom and Frank can kinda just pick out every physical flaw he has.

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