Chapter 24

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Half of Frank's day was a rapid blur. He was working, yeah, but not fully aware of anything outside himself. He was stuck in his mind, mulling still over what happened this morning; still hurting over the fact that Gerard...lied to him?

Gerard never told him the truth about Jamia when he knew full well what happened.

He's dreading going home. What did he have to say to Gerard once he saw him? Should he say anything? Frank's chest hurt and he figured this is why Gerard never said anything; Gerard didn't want to hurt him with the truth...because he's considerate like that.

He sighed heavily, wanting to sink to the ground and lay there as long as he could just to know that there was nowhere he could go and that something solid held him up so he wouldn't feel this way at the moment. He debated over stalling and going to the store for something before going home, but it still wouldn't help him escape the inevitable- which was facing Gerard.

He pulled into the apartment lot and locked the car doors behind him, chewing on his bottom lip as his legs carried him up the stairs and to Gerard's door. He knocked on it and waited a few seconds before it opened to reveal Melissa beaming up at him. She gasped and jumped on Frank and, despite all he was feeling, he smiled and chuckled as he caught her and then put her down so he could lock the door. "Where's Gerard? You know better than to open doors." He scolded lightly. "He's in the bathroom. And he said you should be coming home soon so I just knew it was you!" She grinned as if she was really proud of herself for knowing.

"Hi, Dad." Alex turned the corner with a remote in his hand. "Hey, son. How was school, guys?" He asks as he sets his keys on the table and stretches. "Good! Alex and I finally painted our zombie and vampire thing. Wanna see?!" Without waiting for an answer Mel takes his tattooed hand in her pale one and tugs him toward her room. "Since my art thing is at your house we drew it on paper with our pencils."

"Melissa said that she should have got her face painted like a Vampire instead of the butterflies on her birthday." Alex chimes in. "Hm. That lady did seem kinda mad you rubbed the paint off in less than an hour." Frank chuckled and Melissa just whined.

Once in her room, she shoves the paper up at him.

"This is really...something. Who drew the zombie?"

"Me!" Alex chirps.

"You put tattoos on him. Why did you make me a zombie?" Frank teases, pushing him onto the bed. Melissa laughs at him and offers no help as Frank keeps pushing him back whenever he stands up. "There's Dad!" Melissa kicks her leg behind Frank and then rolls backwards onto the bed, Alex immediately following suit. Their voices sound like ducks and they keep giggling.

Frank gulps and turns around, momentarily dazzled by Gerard's smile and the way his whole face seems to light up with it. He looks really happy. "Hey," He mumbles, wringing his hands together. "How was work?" Frank nods twice before clearing his throat. "It was good." And he smiles back at him- which makes Gerard blush. God, he's so fucking adorable.

I hate him for being so fucking cute, Frank thinks.

He steps closer to Gerard and grabs his hand. Even though he's the one that's been betrayed he still feels like he needs to choose his words carefully to not make Gerard feel horrible. "I need to talk to you." He mumbles, gazing intently into Gerard's beautiful eyes. He sees them widen a little and his mouth goes straight. "What happened?" And just like that he's already worried and freaking out Frank should have approach is an easy approach with Gerard. "C'mere." He jerks his head down the hall so they can go to his room, out of ear reach of Mel and Alex. The door stays crack and Frank lets go of Gerard's hand. No need to sugar coat it.

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