Chapter 5

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Gerard quickly backs away from Frank once he feels his chapped lips press against Frank's soft ones. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry- I didn't mean too!" Gerard blushes as he looks away from his friend, who just chuckles breathily. "It's okay. It was an accident." The air is a little tense now but it's nothing for the two to worry about. Something in Gerard is flickering like a tiny flame. Some strange feeling and he can't pinpoint what it is; neither does he know if it's a good or bad sign. So, he just ignores it. "So uh, have you...told your boss?" Frank asks after he clears his throat. "I can't afford to take days off, Frank. When Lindsey went out of town while Mel was sick I had to take off and care for her. My boss isn't so lenient like he was then..." Gerard explains as he picks at a loose thread from the cover.

"Dude, who cares if he's lenient or not? Lindsey is in the hospital and you have a daughter to take care of. At least a day off or something..." Frank says and stares at Gerard, who just sighs and looks at the floor.

"Man, how much do they pay anyway? You should work at the factory with me." Frank suggests as he stretches his arm which makes a sickening pop. "It's like...$20 an hour. Plus, the boss and I are good so I can get you started on the good stuff."

"I can't let you do that, Frank." Gerard looks up at him with his tired eyes. "That's like cheating."

"Cheating." Frank repeats in a monotone voice that makes Gerard blush again. Of course Frank doesn't care about cheating.

"Whatever though. That's for another time. Right now, we need to focus on you and Melissa. I'm gonna go clean out. You check up on Mel." Frank demands as he stands up to go to Gerard's bathroom. By clean out, he means take everything out of his house that wasn't necessary.

Gerard pulls himself off the bed and slowly walks I to Melissa's room, feeling at ease immediately once he hears her quiet snores. He kneels at the edge of her bed and sighs as he looks at his daughter's beautiful sleeping face. "I love you, baby girl." He whispers, reaching a hand out to smooth her hair gently. Closing the door behind him, he feels hands pushing against his chest and jumps, startled. It was Frank, stopping him from walking head on into him. "Oh. Sorry." Gerard murmurs while Frank pulls away. "She's good?"

"Yeah. Yeah, she's fine." Gerard nods, vaguely wondering as he follows Frank into the living room what he threw out. He doesn't care. He's just curious. It's been a long while since Gerard had any use for the things Frank has probably found. "Ready, kiddo?" Frank says to Alex, who nods and stands up, stretching. "I...I appreciate you coming over. Doing what you did and-"

Frank cuts Gerard off with a quick hug and a pat on the shoulder. "That's what friends are for, man." Frank shoots him a smile and Gerard can't help but smile back as he thinks about how much he loves to see that on Frank's face. It really makes Gerard feel like things are completely fine and he wants to feel that...even if it is only for a split second.


The curtains are pulled back swiftly and sunlight instantly floods Melissa's room.

"Rise and shine, my beautiful daughter!" Gerard booms in a deep voice, turning around to see her scowling at him from underneath the covers.


"Get up or I'll tickle you." Gerard orders, walking past her bed. Melissa jumps up and groans while throwing her feet off the side of the bed to stand up and stretch. "Breakfast here or at school?"

"Oh! Can you make that french toast stuff with the powder?" Her sweet voice asks. She's even using the puppy dog eyes. Of course Gerard can't say no. "Yes, I can." "Yes!" She fist pumps the air, making Gerard chuckle and shake his head. 30 minutes later they are walking out of their apartment and down the stairs towards the outside world.

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