Chapter 15

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"Frank, will you relax?" Gerard scoffs at the way Frank keeps glancing over at Melissa, who's still eating her melted ice cream at the table. "I just...I don't want her to be mad at me for...coming in after Lindsey." His lips barely move to speak the last part. Gerard sniffs and then yawns. "I think we'd know if she was mad."

"Probably." Frank shrugs and Gerard yawns again.

"Bath now or are you waking up early?" Gerard asks loudly. "Now!" Melissa answers and both Frank and Gerard can hear the chair scrape and then her feet hitting the floor as she runs down the hall. Gerard leaves his comfy spot on the couch and goes to throw away her empty bowl. When he comes back into the living room, Frank has his back to him as he searches for his keys in his pockets. Quickly, Gerard rushes over and bites his lip as he hugs him from behind, slipping one hand into his back pocket. "You're such a girl." Frank teases. "But I have your keys." To emphasize, Gerard presses his hand against the keys which presses up against his butt.

"Great. Can I have them?"

"I don't know. Can you?"

"I mean...I would think so unless someone wants me to stay over tonight?"

After that, Gerard laces his fingers through Frank's and tugs him down the hall. "If you insist." "You're dumb." Frank smiles but follows anyway without protest. They both take off their shoes and when Gerard takes off his watch is when Frank gets a phone call. Gerard watches him glance at it and roll his eyes before he answers the phone. "Hello."

Gerard leaves the room to give him privacy because he knows who it is.

"You alright, Mel?" Gerard asks as he passes the bathroom to go to the Linen closet, where he grabs towels for himself and Frank. Frank will just have to wear his clothes. "Yep!" Melissa replies. Walking back to the room, Gerard slows his pace as much as he can when he hears Frank's voice getting louder and louder.


"What the- Jamia, I can hear him!"

"I don't care. He's missing school." Gerard's heart starts to beat faster as he waits by his door. "Court?! Are you fucking kidding me?!" Frank shouts, making Gerard jump and drop the towels on the floor. He can hear Frank walking to the door and moves out of the way quickly while also bending down to get the towels. However, he's still in the way when Frank tries to exit the room.

"I'm sorry." Gerard whispers, backing up and not meeting Frank's gaze. "Sh. I'll be back." Frank says before kissing his cheek chastely and then continuing on down the hall.

"None of your business, that's who it was. This isn't about me, it's about Alex."

"Don't even try it..." Frank's voice fades and then is lost completely when the front door closes. Gerard takes in a deep breath and picks up the towels. He's smart enough to know what's going on. Jamia wants custody of her son. Gerard walks in his room and throws the towels on the bed. He doesn't want to take a shower until he can lock his front door. Frank spends so long outside Melissa even has time to come and hug him goodnight after getting out of the tub.

When Frank comes back inside his face is red and he looks really pissed off. He sits next to Gerard and they both sit in silence, listening to each other's breathing. Gerard is waiting for Frank to say something because he's too awkward to take initiative. Frank is twirling his phone in his tattooed hands, staring at the floor.

"I'm a good guy, right?"

His voice startles Gerard and he looks at his boyfriend with a stupid expression. "What? Of course you are."

"Why do women always complain about how there are no good men left? And if I am a good man...why does she do what she does to me?" Frank asks quietly, his face now taking on exhaustion when he faces Gerard. "I don't know." Gerard shrugs. He digs his fingers into the sheets. He totally understands what Frank is saying- unfortunately. "I'm sorry."

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