Chapter 21

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Frank stares ahead at the wall blindly.

What just happened?

Oh yeah. His son gets to stay with him and not his Mom.


Frank, startled, doesn't turn around fast enough and is attacked by Alex. He jumps onto Frank's back and almost instantly makes him smile. People walk around them at brisk pace, their minds set on something new already. But Frank's mind is immobile at the moment.

"I get to stay with you, right?!"

"Hell yeah." Frank responds quickly, letting Alex drop down. "Where's Gerard?" "I...don't know." Frank puts his hand on Alex's shoulder to keep him close and looks around for his boyfriend. He finds him on his phone by the window that shows a pretty fucking amazing view of the downtown area.

"Yes. Yes, I remember, yeah. I promise, it will be. Yes. Okay. Thank you." He isn't even able to hang up before Alex hugs him. "I get to stay with you and Dad!" "Ahhh!" Gerard sort of growls as he begins waddling backwards while hugging Alex, spinning him around. "That's...fucking awesome." Gerard smiles, ruffling his hair. As soon as he's done, Alex runs back to Frank and hugs him harder than his last hug. Frank is so fucking relieved. He gets to keep his son. He has full custody over his son and Jamia can't interfere with them anymore.

Gerard leans in for a quick kiss and then Alex uses each of his hands to tug on one of theirs. "Come. On. Let's go tell Melissa." He grunts, his feet skidding on the floor because both Frank and Gerard are putting all other weight onto their legs. "You're so weak." Frank teases. Alex blushes and then stops pulling so he can pull up his sleeve and flash his 'muscles'. "Look. Bam!"

"Oh God. I'm so sorry, sir. I underestimated you." Gerard shields his eyes. Alex makes a noise of approval and puts his arm down.

"Psych!" Gerard shouted and reached down to grab Alex and throw him across his back. "Hey! Dad?!" Alex looks at Frank incredulously and pounds on Gerard's back, shaking his legs to possibly wiggle himself out of Gerard's grasp. Frank follows behind them, laughing. He shrugs nonchalantly as Alex groans. "If you're strong you can flip that teddy bear over."

"Hey!" Gerard protests.

"Gerard isn't a teddy bear. He's an annoying teddy bear." Alex corrects. "HEY!" Gerard says loudly again, tipping Alex over his back to make it seem like he'll drop him on his head. "No! I'm sorry!" Alex pants, his face red and eyes wide. Frank chuckles again but stops when he catches sight of Jamia hugging Rick, looking at him from over his shoulder. They don't look at each other for more than 3 seconds before Frank turns his head. Before he can actually leave the premises, some woman comes up to him, talking about a few things, clarifying some said words, and then he's free. He continues on with Gerard out the door, leaving Jamia behind to look after him in anger and defeat.


After everyone celebrates with a Pizza bigger than Frank's Tv and a movie at the mall, they wind up at Frank's house. Frank had such an amazing time knowing that nothing was going to come between him and his son anymore. Jamia hadn't called and Frank was just so content and feeling like nothing could go wrong.

He had Alex.

He had Gerard and Melissa.

He was living under a perfectly fine roof and had money to keep himself going.

Everything was fine.

Melissa and Alex are playing the Wii in the living room and Gerard is asleep on Frank's chest, snoring quietly. With the covers all the way up to his chin and his black mop of a head the only thing Frank can see, Frank kind of thinks he looks like a stranger or something.

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