▪ ninety four

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▪ third person pov

a year later

they were both dripping in sweat, panting and trying their best to catch their breath.

"you're doing amazing, baby." jungmin breathed as he kissed his boyfriend quickly.

taejoon blushed and smiled shyly up at his boyfriend.


"taejoon! jungmin! did you forget about the game you're in the middle of!?" coach yelled and the boys quickly scrambled to the huddle with the rest of the other players.

"alright taejoon you're middle field and jungmin you're striker, as always. no more kissing each others faces off—"

"oh shut up, baekhyun. i saw you in the locker room with chan—"

the sound of a whistle cut taejoon's bickering off and jungmin chuckled beside him, kissing his cheek with a fond smile on his face.

"good luck, baby." jungmin said as he jogged to his position.

"you too, min."

the game started back up and every time jungmin got the chance, he'd kick the ball into the goal and score.

"yes! that's my boyfriend!" taejoon yelled and then blushed furiously when he realized what he said.

jungmin just laughed and blew his boyfriend a kiss.

their family was in the stands, cheering them on and embarrassing them as usually.

it reminded the two of the soccer games they used to play in middle school. their parents would call them embarrassing things and yell out their "ship name", jungjoon.

now the name wasn't so bad considering the fact that they are dating.


taejoon's eyes widened when he was suddenly tackled by his boyfriend and he saw the soccer ball fly over his head.

everyone crowded around the two, asking taejoon if he was okay.

"im fine.. what happened?" taejoon mumbled cluelessly, making his boyfriend roll his eyes.

"you almost got hit in the face with the ball because you weren't paying attention. you have to pay attention or you could get hurt baby." jungmin scolded his boyfriend and taejoon pouted, grumbling random things under his breath as jungmin helped him off the ground.

"taejoon, come sit out!" coach said and taejoon groaned as he jogged off the field, plopping down on the bench and grabbing his water.

"are you okay, taejoon? you almost got seriously hurt out there." jungkook asked his son, rushing to check up on him.

"im okay, dad... just distracted." taejoon wiped the sweat off his face with a towel and sighed, watching his boyfriend score once more.

jungmin jumped up and down in excitement as he always did, giving his teammates high fives and pats on the back.

their team was winning and they knew the other team had no chance.

taejoon smiled and watched the next play unfold.

he was startled when he felt hands on his shoulders, massaging his shoulders gently.

"ah." taejoon almost moaned, leaning into the persons touch. "you shouldn't make those sounds in public." chanyeol snickered, sitting beside taejoon.

the boy frowned and shrugged his shoulders.

"there are worse things i could do."

chanyeol hummed. "that's true. are you have fun?" he asked and taejoon nodded with a smile on his face.

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