Chapter 4

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Marilyn's POV

I can't fucking believe he told him. I should have never told anybody. In fact, I've never really..Nevermind.

I hear Zim climbing back to his bunk, wait until they fall asleep to take out my notebook. I light up my tiny lamp and write. That's how I get my anger out.."you've been under my damn pillow past two days, aww.." I whisper. In this moment, I would kill both of them if I could.

Can't sleep, still angry, and bored to death. I stand up, take some scissors, and decide to have some fun. I carefully, quietly climb up to Twiggy (I recently gave Jeordie that nickname, he doesn't know though) and cut off some of his dreadlocks. He's facing wall, so it's pretty easy. I throw them at Zim. Haha they will be so mad!! I feel better but still can't sleep... My thoughts are too deep, and my anger is too strong to handle.

It's morning already, and I'm just sitting here, painting my nails black, mumbling some of my lyrics - half asleep and feeling sick.

"Morning guys." Twiggy mumbles with his deep, tired raspy voice. I ignore. He stretches, climbs down and sees his hair on Zim's chest. And let me tell you, it's not just like it's only one strand.. "WHAT THE HELL ZIM?! WHAT THE FUCK IS MY HAIR DOING HERE?"

Zim wakes up as well, looks super scared of Twiggy.

"For my health's sake, I beg you, stop screa..WHAT IS THIS, EWW, OH MY GOD" he freaks out as well and simply jumps out of his bunk. I laugh pretty loudly.

"WELL, THAT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY!!" I swear I've never seen Twiggy so mad before. He starts to throw things everywhere and he then leaves. Zim gets why I did it. He immediately gives me this hateful stare.

I don't care, what he did to me, is way worse. And Twiggy? I did this so he would stay away from me. I refuse to talk to him now when he knows the truth. It's fucking embarassing for me, I will die if the rest of school finds out.

Plus, I'm sure he would eventually tell me that he likes me, and I would be forced to react somehow and there's NO WAY I could express my true feelings. I'm not even honest with myself anymore..

Zim doesn't say a word and runs out to tell Twiggy that it wasn't him. Well, that was fun.


Two days have passed. They ignore me, and I'm good with that. But, eventually it gets annoying so I start doing things, way worse things to them.

"Are you sure? Dude, I don't..I don't think you should be doing that.." I put on my gloves and mix the hair dye.

"Why not? Last time you did it you looked like a hobo, Zim." I say. Twiggy chuckles standing by the door, looking at us. I look at him. He's wearing his black, doll-like, gothic dress, which I love. His pale skin and loads of black eyeshadow..Okay this is the first time I've acually looked into his eyes. It hurts my heart, I have no idea why.

I bought neon pink hair dye for Zim. Another revenge thing, haha. "Wait like..thirty minutes and then wash it off." I smirk at him. I can't get through the door because of sleepy Twiggy, so I push him, hard. It's like I take every single opportuniry to hurt him..He ends up on the floor. Zim gets up quickly and pushes me back.

"What kind of idiot are you? Okay, I'm sorry, Marilyn, but are you done?! Because, we both are tired of your shit." I see Twiggy's not moving.

"Fuck off Zim can't you just help him instead of yelling at me?!" I get on my knees and try to help Twiggy up but he doesn't let me. I see he's crying. He looks up at me

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?! I'm sorry, but that's enough. Oh I see- is it your low self-esteem? Are you fucking scared to be yourself?" I stop Twiggy.

"Low self-esteem, you asshole?! I don't think you have any right to say that, you short, little..ridiculous bitch wearing girl's dresses? Look at yourself. You faggot.." I want to punch him so bad right now, but Zim is literally holding my hands back. Twiggy gets back up on his legs.

"I feel sorry for you. Do you know that I can go out, like, right now and tell everybody? Tell everybody who you really are? I can't wait to see their reaction!"

"I'll FUCKING KILL YOU! HOW DARE YOU?!" I yell back at him.

"Well, M, I'm asking the same. You stop, and I'll stop too. Look, I really don't deserve this kind of attention from you." Twiggy finishes. At this point I feel like my mind is about to explode. My heart stops. I no longer try to attack him.

I take a deep breath. "Zim, let me go." I say calmly. He refuses to and I feel my eyes tearing up. "Zim..please." he does so, I run and lock myself in the bathroom. I can no longer hold my emotions in. Too many feelings to absorb. I sit there for one hour. "

"Stop, Jeordie, he needs to figure things out.." I hear Zim. I'm trying to do so, trying to take everything in, but I can't. I take out my razors and look at myself. All I see is fear, self-hate, and anxiety.

I push my sharp razor against my pale chest. Cold blood dripping everywhere.

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