16. Couldn't be happier

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I drive to Tess' house. Tess is asleep so I leave her in the car. I can't blame her for sleeping, it's been a long day for her. I ring the doorbell and it's Tess' mother. "May I come in? I have to say something important to you and your husband." I said. She let me inside and they sat on the couch that I nearly had sex with Tess on earlier and I sat on a chair. Funny.

"I'd like to apologize for my actions earlier today. I'm sorry for talking to you with so much disrespect in your own house. I was in a bad mood and totally overreacted to the situation." I said. "Your apology is accepted if you accept mine for pushing you past your limit. I am also to blame for your behavior." Tess' dad said. Why were we talking all sophisticated? 'Your apology is duely accepted blah blah blah rich and fancy words, yes money is quite lovely to have indeed'. It was annoying me. "It's fine. But apologizing isn't the only reason i'm here. I'd like to ask for your blessing to marry your daughter." I said. Their faces were flat and yet shocked at the same time. How is that even possible?! "Why do you want to marry her right now? Can't you wait?" Tess' dad asked me. "I could, but it's appropriate now. She's pregnant." I said. Their faces remained the same. "So you weren't lying when you said you had sex with my daughter. At least I'll have grandchildren. Go and marry her then." Tess' dad said. His voice was so unemotional, like he didn't even care. "Um. Thank you. I also know that you abuse your daughter. That's not safe for the baby. I need to take her out of this house for her safety." I said. "No." Tess' dad said. "No? Why?" I asked. You're completely fine with me sleeping with your daughter and marrying her, but won't let her move out? What's wrong with him?

"Now she deserves it. I'll kill that baby, I don't care. My daughter is going to graduate high school, go to college, then get married and have kids. This baby is a mistake. Bring Tess inside so I can fix her mistake." He said. His wife looked a bit sad but I didn't care. What scum. "Sure. I'll be right back." I said. I ran upstairs and got some of Tess' stuff. I grabbed luggage and threw everything I could find in there. I opened up her window and threw them out the window. I heard her dad scream and come upstairs. I jumped out of the window. Ow. I landed on her suitcases, thank God. I threw them in the trunk and got in the car. Tess looked at me confused and I drove to the school. Once we parked I explained with minor details. She looked at me still dozed saying it was ok and I just stopped doing everything I was doing at that point. I have no idea where to go. Me and my pregnant girlfriend don't know where to go. Oh my God what did I just do?


Done. I just finished another song. Inspired by my baby again. It's about protection and is just....perfect. I go to Dani's house to pick up Tess. Dani is a life saver. I have absolutely no idea what I would do without her. I owe my life to her. I pick up Tess and we go to the hospital. We enter the room and wait for the doctor. "Are you excited?" I asked her. "Yes! We finally get to see what are baby is! I'm really feeling a boy now. I still want it to be a girl though." She said. "I don't really care what it is, as long as it's healthy." I said. It's then ten week mark in the pregnancy, toady's April twenty fourth. We finally get to see our baby for the first time. Just then the doctor came in.

"Hello. I'm Dr.Walsh, it's nice to meet you two." She said. We all got greeted and she cut to the chase. "Ok. I don't want to keep you waiting, you're probably all nervous and excited. So let's get this started. Tess, please lay down and lift your shirt up." She said. Tess did as she said and Dr. Walsh continued. "Ok. Now i'm going to put this gel on you. It's going to be very cool." She said. She applied it and Tess giggled. "Ok. Now i'm going to put this here and I'll check the monitor." She said. My heart was racing. And there it was. My baby. "Wow." I said. "Oh my God." Tess said while laughing nervously and happily at the same time. We were so happy.

"Oh. Wow." The doctor said. "What? Is something wrong?" I asked. You know with all that's happened you figured I would get a break every now and then but no! Sometimes i relaly hate my life. "No. Your babies are fine." She said. "Oh ok. Good. My babies are fine." Tess said. "Woah! Babies?! Like...two?!" I asked. "Two?!" Tess asked. We were startled. "You're pregnant with twins." The doctor said. "Oh. Wow." I said stunned. Damn i'm good. I had to make two babies, one wasn't good enough. "What's the gender?" Tess asked. "They're faternal twins. The one up there is the girl, there's her head right there. And there's the boy. That's his head. Oh. They're waving at us." She said while smiling. "My babies are so smart. I'm so proud. I made them myself doctor." I said. "Shut up and look at our kids!" Tess said while punching me. I looked at them. They were perfect. They had my head figure, and we could see the noses and ears too, they looked like Tess. I held Tess' hand and we smiled. "I'll go get you a picture of them." The doctor said. She left the room momentarily. "We have kids. Two. Twins. A boy and a girl. They're healthy. I'm so happy." I said. I started crying tears of joy. "Me too. Haha. Two. I thought one was going to be hard, now there's two. At least there's more love to go around." She said. "I can't wait to hold them. They'll be angels. I'm so excited." I said. "I'm going to break your hand during labor, just so you know." She said. I didn't care, I can't wait.

Once the doctor gave us our pictures, we left the hospital. I'd pay the bill later once I figurd out how to pay for it. We leave the hospital and go downtown to the plaza. It starts sprinkling and it's perfect. I feel in my pocket for the ring. Thank God Briar's grandpa owns a jewelry store. I got a nice ring for a cheap cost. We're walking and we stop at the center of the plaza that's on a platform. Tess looks confused and I start talking as we hold hands. "Tess, I love you. That's all I can say. You're the most beautiful girl in the galaxy. You're the most intelligent girl i've ever met. You're the beautiful mother of our two beautiful and amazing babies. You're going to be a great parent and wonderful role model. You don't deserve the things that happened to you. You deserve much better then me. There is no one else out there that is capable of being as strong as you are. No one has ever made me take the risks I took before I met you. No one has ever kissed me like you do. No one has ever made me feel the things I do when i'm with you. No one has ever loved me the way you do. You're my better half." I said. I grabbed the ring in my pocket and got down on one knee. Tess put her hand over her mouth in shock and said "Oh my God" about a million times in a mumble. "Tess, will you do the honor of marrying me?" I asked with the ring in the box and the box in my hand, opened. "Oh my God!" She said crying and loudly. "Yes!! Yes I will!" She said as I put the ring on her finger. I got up and we kissed. I heard people clapping and whistling  and cheering and it started raining. We were kissing in the rain. This is what she deserves. We ran into the car.

"Wow. Married. Did you ask my parents about this for their blessing? It's not important but it wouldn't feel right walking down the aisle and not be given away by my dad." She said. "I did, and he allowed it. "He does? How angry was he?" She asked. "He was so unemotional about it. I know you were getting abused by him and I told him that because of that I was taking you out of the house. I wouldn't let him hurt you or our babies." I said. "And he was ok with me oving out? I'm sorry for asking but you never really told me why I had to leave. I just trusted you." She said. "It's fine. No he wasn't ok with it. The things he said....they were disgusting. He said that now you deserved it. He said your pregnancy was a mistake. You're supposed to graduate, go to college, and then get married and have kids. He said he was going to fix your mistake if I brought you in. That's why I took your stuff and left. He said he didn't care if he killed our baby-now babies-but he didn't know that there were two. Either way, me marrying you wasn't a part of his plan, i'm sure he would've hit you for that anyway. I had to take you away." I said. "Oh. Well...um..." She said sadly and I squeezed her. She just started bawling. She leaned her head in my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my chest. I felt her squeezing on me really tight. I ran my right hand through her wet hair and rubbed my left hand on her back.

"Screw them. Me and you against the world." I said. "How can he just feel that way? He doesn't even care that I have two beautiful babies coming into this world! He doesn't even know that there are two!" She said, crying more. "Shhh. Shhh. It's going to be ok. Look at me." I said. She looked at me with wet, messy, rain hair and runny make up. Most people would say ugly to that, I just thought it was beautiful. "I'm here, ok? If he doesn't want to be there for one of the greatest moments in your life, then we don't need him." I said. "You're right." She said with more confidence. "Baby, our babies are going to have some messed up grandparents and aunt." I said, smiling. We laughed. Our lives were a mess. "Well then. I guess you're right. Shall we go to Vegas then?" She asked me. Yes. Hell yes. I loved her.

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