2. Memorable faces

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Briar and I talked a lot during homeroom. She was really funny and was really into music like me. I didn't know whether her brown hair was curly or if she just curled it for today. Her eyes were the first things I saw about her. I think they're hazel. They looked brown, but they had this greenish color that really made her eyes popped. I think she dressed a little inappropriate for school, but she still seemed cool.

Me and Briar had lunch and science together. The way the school works, you only have half your classes on one day of school and you have the other half on the next day. Weird. Either way I didn't have science today, so that sucks.

Anyway, I sat with her and two other girls at lunch. They wore make-up, it was obvious. Briar only added a little on her face. I like that about her. She seemed simple. I sat across from a redhead who had the darkest blue eyes i have ever seen. And her hair wasn't even naturally red. She was blonde who died it red. Her hair looked like red velvet cupcakes, like Ariana Grande. Her hair was straight, but it was definitely not natural. "Hey Briar. Who's this?" The redhead asks. "This is Blake. He moved here from Buffalo..this is his first time in a public school." Briar said. "Oh my god you poor kid. You're going to do so many wrong things here..it'll be social suicide. I'm Danielle, but please call me Dani." "Hi Dani. Uh how exactly do I avoid social suicide?" I asked. She quickly answered. "Jasmine will tell you all about it." Jasmine was the girl next to Dani. She had naturally straight black hair and light brown eyes. Her make-up made her look emo and pretty, but her eyes just gave away this sense of awkwardness. "Ok so. The first rule to obey: Don't start rumors, and don't spread them to more then 5 people."


As the day ends I start walking to my locker, soon getting trampled by a herd of students. I quickly jump to one side of the hall and find my locker. I quickly rush to get my stuff just so I don't get trampled again. I note that most of the kids are walking slow and I hear that there's only one minute until buses leave. I push my way through the crowd and try to find my sister and her car, but I can't find her. So i think of the bus number that passed by my house. I run to my bus and ask where he dropped off kids. It was the right bus. I asked him to drop me off at my house and he drove us there.

I sat on the bus next to the same kid who sat next to that blonde in homeroom. We started talking. I avoiding the subject of that blonde because i think they're dating. Anyway, his name is Alex. He has brown eyes and long dark brown hair. He'd look emo if his hair was black. The way its styled makes me think that. I think him and Jasmine would look good together.

I got dropped off before he did, so I said bye and left. I get home to see my sister parked in the driveway. I am about to explode at her. Who just forgets about their brother? I mean really. Who just leaves someone like that?

"Hey! Why'd you leave me at school?" "What are you talking about?" "I had to catch the bus because you ditched me!" My sister gave me her Are-You-Being-Serious-You-Are-So-Freaking-Retarded look. "Seniors get to leave school early in their first day of school, and we also get to leave early everyday if we have enough credits."

Credits are given for each class you take starting from 9th grade that count as points toward your graduation. If you get enough credits, you graduate. If you already have all of your credits before 12th grade, you can leave after your mandatory classes. You need to take math, science, and gym every day and then you can leave. I completely forgot about that.

"Oh...yeah. Sorry I snapped at you." "I'm sorry you have to be so stupid. Jesus. You know next time before you yell at me..." And then she went on into an annoying speech that she doesn't even follow. I get so sick of her. She acts like her life is sooo difficult. And it might be. I do feel bad for her for having to make new friends just for this one year in this school. She also had to leave her part-time job. I would feel bad if she had a boyfriend, but she doesn't. Who could love anyone so mean? As she talks about how useless my life is and how mean I am all I can think about is how much of a hypocrite she is. She disgraces me.


I get to school the next day and search for the blonde. It's time for lunch and i finally see the blonde turned around in the hallway. She looks like her at least. I walk over to talk to her when her friends leave. As she turns around, I find out it's not her. This blonde had blue eyes, my blonde had brown eyes.

"Oh i'm sorry. I thought you were someone else." She smiles. "It's fine. I'm Stephanie. I think i've seen you around. What's your name?" "I'm Blake." "Oh are you that new kid from Buffalo? My friend Briar told me all about you! Oh and aren't you in my social class?" "Haha yeah that's me..and I am" She stares me down. "Do you want to eat lunch with me?" she asks. "Yeah sure." I notice her scars on her wrist and my whole feelings for her change. I decide to change the subject.

I ask her if she knows the blonde. "Oh yeah. That's Tess. She's gotten really popular over the years. She's friends with everyone." I keep my thoughts about Tess aside. Stephanie can see my feelings for her. She seems kind of sad about it. "Oh so she's throwing this big back to school party on Friday. Its not one of her elite invitation parties. You should come. It'll be fun."

I've never been to a huge high school party before. I don't tell Stephanie this because she'll think i'm a loser if she knew. Hell, i feel like she can read my mind, so she probably already knows. "Sure i'll go. Sounds fun." I wonder what will happen at the party. Probably high school hook-ups. Judging by seeing 2 pregnant girls in this school I take it that public school kids are very horny. They'll all bring their boyfriends or girlfriends. Or they'll just meet someone there. I doubt i'll meet anyone though.


Author's note

Hi! Thanks for reading this part :) I hoped you liked it. Right now this is more of a fiction story then anything else, but it'll soon develop into a romance. story later. So please continue reading, and have a nice day. :P

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