4. Clubbing for troube

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It's the next Saturday and Stephanie invited me to a club. We're all still in a hyped mood after Tess' party, even if it did end abruptly. She invited Briar, Alex, and the other girl from last night.

They pick me up and we go. I found out that the one girls name is Holly. She has black hair and blue eyes. She's so funny. I hang out with a lot of girls. I need more guy friends. Anyway, Briar looked so good. She was dressed perrogatively, but she looked at least 19. When we got to the club I learned it was a teen club. It's the coolest place ever. We danced forever and then we all decided to call it a night. We were near the car when Holly noticed Briar wasn't with us. Holly stayed by the car in case Briar came back, and she was also trying to call Briar's phone. Alex and Stephanie searched inside the club. I was outside and went to the back of the club to see if she wandered outside.

I saw her getting harassed. Briar looked so pissed. A few big guys were hitting on her. "Come over here girly. Papa wants to show you something." one of the guys said. "You can't show what you don't have." she said. Whoa. She was so angry. You could her it in her voice. "Oh come on baby don't be like that." the thug said again. This time he was playing with her hair. "Don't touch me!" She screamed. I ran over to her. "Look baby, you're coming with me." He said. "No she's not. Let her go." I said. "Aw he's your Prince Charming ain't he? Yo boy you got one fine bitch right here, but I want to take her for a little ride but i'm going bring her right back, ok?" He said ignorantly. What a scumbag "Don't call her that. Now get the hell away from her. We don't want to cause you any trouble." I said full of anger. "Nah i'm going go. Come on baby." He said. He grabbed Briar's hand and that's when I lost it.

I ran to him and punched him right in the face. He fell to the ground. Alex came running out and stopped one of his friends from attacking me. I was making sure Briar was ok while the thug got up. Briar screamed at him. I looked at him. I heard a sound. My shoulder was pounding hard and bleeding. Briar called 911.

I fell to the ground. I heard footsteps. I saw Holly and Stephanie run over to me as Alex ripped a part of his shirt to tie around my shoulder. All I could see was Briar crying and holding my hand. I saw two guys come over and put me on a gurney. Briar wanted to come with me to the hospital in the ambulance so everyone else met me there later.  

My vision was so bad. Things were looking blurry and I passed out. I woke up in a hospital room with Stephanie in the room with me. She looked so happy "What happened? What day is it?" I asked. I wasn't even completely sure what happened. "It's Sunday. You basically saved Briar from prostitution. Then you got shot..." She looks at my left shoulder. It's bandaged. Holy shit. I could've died.  

"So it wasn't a dream?" I asked. Stephanie smiled. "No it wasn't a dream!! You really are a hero." "Me? A hero? I didn't even do anything. Just because I got shot doesn't mean i'm a hero." I said. "You still defended Briar. And punched a scumbag. That's pretty heroic."  

"I guess...can you get my doctor for me?" I asked. "Sure." She answered. I watched her leave and someone else came in. It was Briar. She ran to my bed and hugged me, and started crying.  

"Thank you so much. I can't ever thank you enough. I'm so sorry and I feel so bad. If you need anything at all..." She said. "Hey, it's fine. Really." I said. My doctor walked in and asked Briar to leave. We said bye and I got prepared for the worst.


I thought my arm was going to be amputated. Thank God I only need a cast. It'll only be on for a week though. I guess it wasn't that serious. Luckily they already found the guy who did it. Thank God. It's Monday at school. I see everyone look at me.  

I go into homeroom and Tess pops up and hugs me. "That's so brave of you." she said. "No not really." I said. "You had that cop shoot you instead of the burglar who was only stealing for his family. That's so valiant." she said.  

"Where the hell did you hear that?! That never happened! Some thug was hitting on Briar, I punched him, he shot me. That's all." I explained. "That's still brave." "No it's not. I almost died. It was scary, not brave, scary. I didn't even know what happened until yesterday."  

Tess looked sad. "I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm just sick of being called a hero when i'm not." "It's fine Blake. You wanna hang out sometime?" I looked at her in shock. The girl who pushed me away at her party wants to go on a date? Why should I?

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