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Reyna was staring at Mundus. For several minutes she had sat at the corner of his study, behind one of the bookshelves, totally repressing her presence like he had taught her. It was fun, spying like this even though she had made him swear never to do it to her. He had never asked for the returned favor though. This was practice, of course. How else could she know she was doing it right? It was quite a grueling technique to master after all.

She watched his profile, sharp cheekbones accented by the harsh white light of the laptop on the desk. Strands of dark hair danced on his cheek when he'd roll his shoulders, muscles on his neck stretching. Reyna knew he hated using computers, but he always looked so cute when he'd squint disapprovingly at something in an e-mail. Usually, it was from Cerus and held lines like "Lina says hi!" or "We miss you!"

Mundus had that look on his face now. Lines gathered between his eyebrows, lips pulled down at the sides. His Adam's apple pulsed as he took a drink of water from a bottle. He had spilled a glass of juice on his keyboard once and after punching the rows of keys so words danced in the air instead of across his fingertips, Reyna knew bottled drinks was the way to go. Again his Adam's apple fell with more angry swallows of water as Mundus leered at it like it was an opponent in battle. A predatory aurora whirled around him, and a tiny growl rolled in his throat.

Reyna bit her lip. Damn him. He was too sexy sometimes. It took all her willpower to prevent herself from rushing over to him and pull his collar into a kiss while she straddled him and-

"I know you are there, love," he said, unmoving. "And I am able to see the face you are making."

She froze. "Oh? And what face is that?"

"One that says you love me."

His words both melted her heart and made it pound harder, so naturally Reyna stuck out her tongue at him. "Did you see that?"

He whirled his chair around. "Yes, I did and such needs punishment."

Mundus appeared in front of her and swept her up in his arms. She felt the hotness of his lips before he kissed her. He was a surge that zapped all nerve endings in her body. It was like tasting electricity, and she was left breathless when he pulled away.

He chuckled. "There is that face again."

"Ruuuun!" A high-pitched scream tore the world in half.

The ajar door to Mundus' study creaked open and two pairs of tiny bare feet slapped the tiled floor. Giggles followed and two toddlers ran around the room, familiar with its layout. They were similar in stature and shared the same midnight colored hair, twins in only those aspects. The boy's deep blue eyes were prominent with innocence and currently shone with excitement while his sister's dark gaze was narrowed with mischief and almost misplaced with the gleeful smile on her face. Their cheeks and chins were smeared with chocolate, sticky hands leaving hazelnut smears on Mundus' desk. The sugary smell of chocolate chocked the air.

"Auron! Reiko!" Reyna called the children. Even as Mundus set her down she could see him biting down his laughter.

The twins stopped, unaware their parents had been in the room, but when they saw them, their eyes sparkled.

"Mama!" Her sweet boy wiggled in place before rushing to hug Reyna's legs.

"Daddy!" His firecracker girl threw her arms in the air and waited for Mundus to come and pick her up.

"Mama, look!" Auron reached into the giant pocket on his chest. The collar of his cotton blue shirt was wrinkled with drying chocolate. And that was exactly what he pulled out. The half-eaten bar was large in his small hands.

Bleeding Demons: The Dark Bloods - Book III ✓Where stories live. Discover now