Chapter 13 - Shielding Faith

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Shielding Faith

It was quiet outside, but Reyna knew the silence was a lie. It was a delicate, brittle veil that hid the reality of their situation. Each step thickened the veil, though. Around her the trees were vibrant, the grass lush. Colorful wild flowers bloomed in patches here and there. It was perfect. It was serene. Reyna could easily pretend they were all out on a picnic.

As long as she didn't look up.

She exhaled, her shoulders drooping and her chest deflating. Reyna didn't want to pretend. She knew very well where she was walking could be her grave. Could be everyone and everything's graves.

"It's not over," Verden said.

Reyna flinched. She had forgotten how Verden always seemed to hone in on people's thoughts, say what was needed to be heard. She looked at him, only catching a glimpse of his profile and furrowed brow. The sight of his bloody bandages wrapped around his head still daunted her, but she hadn't missed how loud and definite his voice sounded.

"Not over, huh?" Gahn said in a way that gave Reyna pause.

"What I do not understand is why all of our assistance is required when half of us are powerless," Erian said. "What is your plan?"

All attention shifted to Verden, waiting. Reyna wondered when this silent but mutual agreement of designating him at their leader had come to be. Not just their leader but their king. It was their king they were looking at for help. It was their king they were waiting for to utter their next move. It was their king that was half human that now led all the demons.

And as all noble kings do when asked a question that determines the fate of those around them, Verden answered Erian's without any trace of uncertainty. "Our spirits will be protecting the portal's cardinal directions, and if our spirits are going to be there, we all need to be there to keep them in check. You may protect whatever direction you wish, however, know you will all be separated from your friends."

Reyna's breath caught in her throat. She had expected this, to be separated from Dante, to know he probably wouldn't be by her side at the very end. Verden didn't play favorites—and he shouldn't when the existence of two worlds was a stake—but hearing his words had still halted her existence for a fraction of a second as if their inevitable call for damnation had arrived early.

"Reyna. Dante," Verden said, snapping her from her thoughts. "As the only humans here your role is very important. The spirits seem to prefer attacking humans which means you two will be coordinating the spirits to and from our own."

"So we're bait," Dante said, his voice dry and flat.

Verden sighed. "I'm sorry to be asking this of you, but with so many of them against us so few—"

"I can protect us," said a smooth, soft voice.

"Azul, no," Erian said and grabbed her arm.

Everyone stopped.

Verden came up to the petit spirit. "What do you mean?" he asked her.

"Azul." There was a threatening tone in Erian's voice.

She ignored it. "I am capable of creating a barrier around us about hundreds of yards in diameter. I can protect us all while you finish the portal."

Verden seemed pensive, but his face betraying none of his thoughts. "How long do you think you can keep it up?" he asked.

"The need to coordinate and bait the spirits' attacks is still essential. The shield can break if pressured too much on a single area, but if successful, I can hold it up for an hour at the most. Assuming I do not succumb to my insanity first," Azul answered.

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