Chapter Twenty-One

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TW// This chapter includes mention of attempted suicide and death.


Everyone remained frozen still on the clifftop, speechless. Hvitserk looked at Rona in shock, finally realising why she had been calling out for Ragnar after the battle back in Saracen. She already knew what had happened! But how?

Nobody dared to speak. Everyone seemed to be in shock. 

The moment Odin had appeared to him, Bjorn had pieced everything together. Rona had seen Ragnar die in a vision, presumably during the market place battle back in Saracen. That's why she was calling out to his Father when she was injured.

Rona turned to Bjorn, fearing what he would now say to her as she did not tell him about his Father straight away, despite the fact that she was unable to bring herself out of her disassociated state post-battle. But it was not Bjorn Rona should have been afraid of facing as Bjorn completely understood everything. Bjorn understood why Rona had kept the secrets she had kept, he understood her feelings as if they were his own.

Rona faced Bjorn, expecting to see a look of anger, but Bjorn just gave Rona a sad smile and a nod, indicating he was not angry. Rona breathed a sigh of relief.

Despite the fact that Bjorn was not angry or confused towards the young shieldmaiden, Hvitserk was. He was helplessly confused. It was Hvitserk Rona should have feared facing as things had begun to click for him now. Rona calling our for Ragnar when she was injured, her disassociated state after the battle. She knew that his Father was going to die. Hvitserk let go of Rona and made his way towards the cliff face, upset that she had not been honest with him but also confused as to how she could have known all these things.

Bjorn noticed Hvitserk leaving and came to Rona. Bjorn leaned into Rona's ear and whispered.

"You need to tell him. Everything." Bjorn pulled back and gave Rona a knowing look, seeing that she was scared but it had to be done. Hvitserk was going to find out abut Rona's gifts sooner or later. Rona simply nodded at Bjorn's words, knowing there was no way she could argue with him.

After a few moments, everyone re-grouped and they headed back down the cliff face, again, Rona taking her time and Bjorn keeping a close eye on her.

After everyone was back on the boats, Rona knew it was time for her to talk to Hvitserk. Bjorn was at the front of the boat, following Rona with his eyes, wanting to make sure she was alright.

Hvitserk was at the back of the boat, sharpening his sword, trying to process everything. Hvitserk's mind was going a million miles an hour. Not only had he had just found out that his Father had died but everything with Rona had clicked for him too. She had been lying to him, hiding things from him. Big things, for weeks, maybe even months!

Rona sat next to Hvitserk. She winced a little at the pain of her wound as she sat down.

"Hvitserk, I-" Hvitserk cut Rona off before she could begin to speak.

"You already knew about my Father?" Hvitserk questioned in a very monotone voice. Rona nodded. Hvitserk scoffed. "How?" Hvitserk asked as he stared out to the sea, trying to comprehend what was going on.

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