Chapter Thirty-Five

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CW: This chapter will include crude comments, bad language and gore. 

Note: In one of the following scenes I will have sentences/paragraphs in italics. This is to differentiate between Rona's physical reality and her vision. So the italics like this are Rona's vision and the regular text like this is her physical reality.


A couple days of constant battle strategy meetings, eating and drinking have passed and not a word has been exchanged between Rona and Hvitserk. Rona has filled her days with work to distract herself from her situation with Hvitserk.

Bjorn is almost completely occupied with planning the upcoming battle with the English while Sigurd and Ubbe have been simply enjoying their first trip to England, treating it like a holiday somewhat (which was rather annoying at times). Sigurd with playing his music and Ubbe was joking around with Hvitserk (despite the fact Hvitserk is still rather miserable following Rona's rejection). 

Rona had stuck with Bjorn most of the time and when he was not with Rona, Rona had surprisingly stuck with Ivar and Floki. It was an odd feeling not beign around Hvitserk very much. Rona never disliked Ivar. Of course she found him annoying at times but she had always liked him. And Floki, well, Rona was convinced Floki was hanging around herself and Ivar to avoid spending time with Helga and Tanaruz. It was a messy situation. Rona almost felt sorry for the man who killed her Father. Almost.

In terms of the relationships between the Ragnarssons. Tensions had grew as the battle grew closer. Ivar was adamant he was the 'chosen one' in terms of being Ragnar's heir. The other Ragnarssons teased him relentlessly for it. Rona felt awful for him. Yes, Ivar had a temper and yes Ivar very much wanted to kill Lagertha (who was practically a second Mother to her) but in Rona's head, she did not believe Ivar would ever deliver on that threat as Lagertha was Bjorn's Mother and surely Ivar did not hate Bjorn that much, right?

Rona, Ubbe and Sigurd sat outside, sharpening various weapons in preparation for battle. The trio had been joking around all day and were having a rare almost relaxing day (for Rona at least). That was until there was shouting heard across the camp.

Ubbe, Sigurd and Rona rush to go and see what is going on. Two crew members were yelling at each other. Rona recognised one as a member of Bjorn's original fleet and the other man was one of Harald's fleet. 

"You took my sword!" Bjorn's man shouted.

Harald's man shoved Bjorn's man to the ground. The pair continued to argue and Harald's man shoved Bjorn's man to the ground. Usually, these kinds of fights were left alone but due to the upcoming battle, mindless fighting with comrades was not tolerated and both fleets knew this.

Rona reached the front of small crowd that had gathered. She could not see Bjorn, Harald or even Halfdan around. It seemed it would be up to her to break up this fight since she was the highest ranking person here. 

Rona strode up to the two men and somehow managed to prise Harald's man off of Bjorn's man.

"Will you two stop fighting like children!?" Rona yelled at the two men. Bjorn's man actually seemed to take heed of Rona's words and brushed himself off. Harald's man simply laughed in Rona's face.

"And what are you going to do about it, little girl?" The man said.

Ubbe and Sigurd looked at each other as if to say 'oh shit!', knowing full well what would happen if Rona was patronised. It was not an unusual occurrence but still some men seemed to disrespect the young shieldmaiden.

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