Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Hvitserk? What are you doing here?"

Hvitserk stood up and dusted himself off, trying not to show his nerves.

"I came to see you...I didn't get to say goodbye to you after the feast." Hvitserk answered.

Rona looked at Hvitserk for a moment. He looked so tired. 

"Hvitserk, have you been waiting out here for me all night?" Rona asked. Hvitserk nodded. "You didn't have to do that." 

"I was worried about you. Where were you last night?" Hvitserk said. 

Rona shook her head.

"Come on, before we speak, come inside. You look cold and tired." Rona said, opening the door to her house and letting Hvitserk inside.

Rona closed the door behind her and went over to the hearth, managing to light it rather quickly. She hung a pot over the fire with some oats and milk to make some porridge. 

Hvitserk had already sat down on a chair and putting his feet up on a nearby stool. He was trying his best not to fall asleep.

"Where were you last night, then?" Hvitserk asked as Rona continued to prepare some food.

"I went to speak to Floki, to ask him about helping me with building a structure for the animals. But I...ran into some trouble, my wound began bothering me. Floki and Helga helped." Rona said. 

Hvitserk was suddenly much more awake. What kind of trouble had Rona gotten herself into!?

"What do you mean, trouble?" Rona didn't respond. Hvitserk stood up and took hold of Rona's arm, suddenly annoyed. "Did somebody hurt you?" The anger in Hvitserk's eyes would have made anybody else nervous.

"Nobody hurt me," Rona said calmly. "Now let go of me so I can make us some food and I'll finish explaining." Hvitserk looked Rona up and down to look for any sign of injury, satisfied that there was none. He returned to his seat.

"I saw Harald and Halfdan talking to a man at the docks. They're up to something. They were talking about killing Princess Ellisif." Rona explained.

"Who is Ellisif?" Hvitserk asked. 

Rona passed Hvitserk a cup of ale, then also got a cup for herself.

"I met her at the welcome feast. She and Harald were together, a long time ago. She is married to somebody else now and Harald is angry about it." Rona said, taking a sip from her own cup. 

"Wow. Okay...What do you suggest we do?" Hvitserk asked. Rona shrugged. 

"I don't think there is much we can do. All we have is my word against Harald and Halfdan's. And who are people going to believe? Think about it." Rona said. 

"Bjorn and Lagertha would believe you." Rona shrugged. 

"Maybe. I'm unsure about Bjorn. I don't think he would let anything risk his alliances right now. We need everyone for this revenge mission for Ragnar. That is what's important right now. Not the tell tales of some 'little girl'." Rona explained, getting irritated.

"You said your wound was bothering you? Are you alright?" Hvitserk asked, trying to change the subject. 

Rona began serving the porridge oats into some bowls, along with some fruit.

"My wound is gone." Rona said, handing a bowl to Hvitserk.

Rona took a seat opposite Hvitserk and began to eat.

"How is it gone?" Hvitserk asked, understandably puzzled.

"I had a vision when I was at Floki and Helga's house," Rona began. Hvitserk listened intently. "I somehow travelled to England and saw prince Alfred...he could see and hear me. We talked."

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