Chapter Thirty-Six

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Rona had not long returned to her tent from bathing in the river with some of the other shieldmaidens when she received a visitor. 

Ivar dragged himself into the tent and sat himself onto an empty stool without saying a word.

"Hello to you too, Ivar." Rona said as she combed her hair.

"I wanted to come and see if you were alright? You fought well back there." Ivar said.

"Thank you. But he needed to be out in his place. I can't stand men like him." Rona says, annoyance on her face.

"Men like him?" Ivar asked.

"They think they can talk down to anyone, especially someone they deem as weaker than them. It's disgusting." 

"I understand. People underestimate me all the time." Ivar says, gesturing to his legs.

"I've never underestimated you because of your legs, Ivar. But your arrogance will be your downfall." Rona jokes. Ivar kicks Rona lightly with his foot.

The young shieldmaiden continues to braid her hair.

"You should let your hair down. It suits you." Ivar says with a smile as he watches Rona continuing her task. Rona smiles slightly.

"That's kind of you to say but that would be both impractical and improper. As someone of rank, unfortunately I must look presentable." 

Ivar rolls his eyes but smiles at his friend. 

"I appreciate your visit, Ivar but I have to go and speak with Bjorn and Harald." 

"Good luck. You'll need it." 

Rona leaves her tent after shaking her head jokingly at Ivar. Ivar watches after her for a moment then leaves himself.


"What I am saying is the girl is crazy! She broke my warrior's nose!" 

"Harald. I understand your comrade is hurt but we have witnesses to backup Rona's turn of events." 

Rona hears Harald and Bjorn talking as she etches closer to the main tent. She does not dare linger outside any longer as she would not want to be caught eavesdropping. Rona enters the tent with confidence in her stride. Bjorn and Harald are stood on either side of a table. Rona stands next to Bjorn.

"Hello Bjorn, King Harald. Where is your brother?" Rona asks, referring to Halfdan.

"He is attending to my warrior, who you attacked." Harald said with bitterness in his voice.

"Now, now Harald. I did not start the fight. You know that." Rona replied in a somewhat condescending tone. Bjorn had to do his best to hide his amusement as Harald's annoyance grew.

"You see, Bjorn! She must be punished! She is a danger to us all!" Harald exclaimed.

"I do not disagree that I can be dangerous but are you sure you're not just scared of powerful women, King Harald? You do not seem to like women being in charge of their own lives, that much is obvious. Take Princess Ellisif for example." Rona says, arms folded, leaning towards Harald a little over the table.

"It is not about me disliking powerful women, I do not care about that. It is the fact that you have injured one of my men!" Harald said. He turned to Bjorn. "Do not forget Bjorn, myself and my brother can leave at any time. You will not succeed in this battle against the English without us." Harald said.

"I understand, King Harald, but again, we have witnesses." Bjorn says.

"So you are believing a sixteen-year-old child over me? A king?" Harald says, pointing to himself.

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