Chapter Six

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TW// This chapter does contain scenes of attempted suicide. So if you think this may trigger you, please skip this chapter.


After making her way back towards Kattegat, Rona decided to go to Floki and Helga's house. After her fight with Hvitserk, Rona needed to talk to someone she trusted. Even if it was just to take her mind off of things and Bjorn was busy, so Rona decided to go find Ragnar. 

Rona eventually made it to Floki and Helga's house. Helga was hanging out some sails, assumably for Bjorn's new fleet of boats. Rona could see Ragnar and Floki talking while skipping stones by the fjord. Rona walked only so far until she could see Ragnar and Floki clearly then stopped and stared, waiting until Ragnar had finished his conversation before approaching him. She didn't really want to have to converse with Floki or Helga. Rona hadn't actually been to Floki and Helga's house since before her father's death. She was surprised that she had managed to find her way there without getting lost. 

To Rona's dismay, Helga managed to spot Rona. Helga approached the young girl.

"Rona?" Helga asked in a friendly tone.

"Hello Helga." Rona sighed, a neutral expression on her face. 

Helga didn't really know what else to say as she had always tried to make amends with the girl over the years for Floki's mistakes but Rona wouldn't respond. This hurt Helga as Rona was actually rather close to Floki and Helga growing up (also because Helga actually helped bring Rona into the world and was the first person to hold her), despite the fact that Floki was never too friendly with Athelstan. 

Rona spoke again.

"I came to see Ragnar. I assumed he would be staying with you." Rona stated. Helga nodded.

"Of course," Helga replied. "Ragnar! You have a visitor!" Helga yelled. Ragnar turned around as did Floki. 

Floki had an uneasy look on his face as soon as he saw Rona. Ragnar smiled at the girl warmly before walking up to her. Helga went back to hanging up the sails. 

"I didn't expect to see you here, my dear." Ragnar explained. Rona smiled weakly. 

"I needed to talk to you if you have a moment." Rona said. Ragnar nodded.

"Of course, I just need to talk with Floki then we can go for a walk, huh?" Ragnar replied. Rona nodded.

Ragnar returned to Floki by the fjord. Helga watched Floki and Ragnar intently as did Rona. Ragnar placed his hand on Floki's shoulder before turning away from Floki and walking towards Rona. 

Ragnar placed his arm around Rona's shoulders and the two friends started to walk away from the fjord and made their way into the woods. 

Ragnar and Rona soon found a clearing with a fallen log. The two each sat on opposite sides of the log and began to talk.

"What is it you wanted to discuss with me?" Ragnar asked in a friendly tone. Rona took in a deep breath.

"There is a few things I wanted to discuss. But first, I wanted to apologise." Rona admitted. Ragnar furrowed his eyebrows, confused at why Rona was feeling this way. 

"What could you possibly have to be sorry for, my dear?" Ragnar asked, reaching for Rona's hand and taking hold of it in an attempt to comfort her. 

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