Chapter 4: Doing the Wrong Thing for the Right Reasons

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Banner's lab wasn't far away, maybe just a few flights up. The bad part about it though, was everyone was in there. They were all arguing, but I really didn't care about what. All of them were to busy to notice a sweet little girl walk in, I ducked under a desk, where Loki's staff was on a stand. Banner picked it up, probably out of anger. Come on..come on..put it back down...The rest noticed and Bruce finally put it back at the stand, when all attention centered to a helicopter outside. Taking my chance, I grabbed the staff and sprinted out, no one noticed. Just after reaching Loki and giving him his precious little staff...


I was pretty sure Banner's lab was just shot down, someone came running down the stairs to the cage chamber. Stepping back, to watch Loki fool whoever would dare come down here, Meatswing came running into the room. Loki, using his Asgardian magic, created an image of himself coming out of the sliding of the glass cage. Being the idiot Loki described him as, Thor sprinted full speed to the Loki image, tackling air and came crashing into the glass chamber, where I pushed the button.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki sneered.

Using his hammer, Thor tries to break the glass but it is a lot stronger than it looks. Hoovering his hand over the release button, the release of the cage to go plummeting to earth that is, began to speak again.

"The humans think of us as immortals. Should we test it?" An evil smile across his face. Hearing footsteps I turned around and pointed a gun, which I found earlier, at Agent Coulson, who was holding a much bigger and more impressive weapon at Loki.

"Move away, please."

Loki moves slowly away from the switch, I knew he was planning something, so I ducked to the corner by the controls, ready to press any big red buttons. Loki was too busy starring at the large gun Coulson was holding.

"Like this? We worked on a prototype once you sent the destroyer. It hasn't been tested, I don't even know how it works." Even though Coulson turned on me like the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D. I didn't want Loki pulling any arrogant crap, plus I was itching to shoot someone. I shot one round into Coulson shoulder, just as he shot Loki with his awesome ray gun. With Loki out of sight and Coulson bleeding on the floor, it was just me and Thor now.

"Young one! You have hurt my friend! Release me!" Pounding on the glass wall again.

"You know Thor, I think I will." Laughing as I pressed the release button to release him from the entire ship. 

"Ohh that's a long way down." Shivering as a couple men with bright blue eyes showed up, just as Loki was climbing out of the huge hole in the wall. We came to a large jet and climbed into it, flying off to Stark Tower, but not before blowing another engine of the hellicarrier. We came to the tower as an older man was working on a device with a glowing blue box in the center.

"I'm not even gonna ask." Walking back into Stark Tower, it was empty, Pepper was probably somewhere else. I heard loud noises coming from the top of the tower, Loki was probably turning his machine on. I decided to explore the floor I was on, it was Tony's floor. After searching for a bit, I came upon his army of Iron Man suits. Different colors, different types for different terrains, it was all so fancy. There was another small door, I was curious so I opened it. It was parts for a smaller suit, lighter metal but still sturdy, it looked like it was being made for Pepper. She wouldn't mind if I borrowed a few things.... 

I heard voices coming from the main room, so I decided to waltz right in. Tony was sipping a drink while Loki was carrying big blue staff to him.

"Oh well I hope I'm not interrupting." I said in the most innocent voice I could find.

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