A Shocking Surprise

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It has been a month since Becca and Brantley had their second round of love making. Since then, Becca has recorded new songs for her album and had the CD album art done. In between, she hasn't been feeling well. Brantley went on tour for a few weeks, which left Becca to settle affairs at home before Brantley decides to take Becca down to his hometown to meet his mom, Becky, and his brother, Kolby within the next few weeks.

(Becca's Album Art for her CD)

Becca is sitting at home, comfortable in her pajamas, watching a movie

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Becca is sitting at home, comfortable in her pajamas, watching a movie. She woke up earlier that day, not feeling well. She practically hugged the porcelain god for a good half hour before realizing that she missed her period. So, Becca put it together that she might be pregnant, so she quickly hurried up and got dressed in her most comfortable clothes, then makes her way out the door to get a pregnancy test and to visit her doctor.

(Becca's Outfit)

Becca decides to sit and scroll through Pinterest for ideas on a baby nursery

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Becca decides to sit and scroll through Pinterest for ideas on a baby nursery. After picking up a pregnancy test at her local pharmacy, she went right to the bathroom and took it. She did her business and once finishing, she washed her hands and waited for the results. Then, three minutes later, the results were in. Without a doubt, the test said 'Pregnant'. That brought tears to Becca's eyes. She is going to be a mom. But, how would Brantley react to her news?

Well, after about 20 min in the OB/GYN's office, your doctor, Dr. Lindsay Peterson, confirmed your thoughts. You were indeed pregnant, 8 weeks to be exact. As you got into your car and closed the door, before starting it, your right hand touched your abdomen, where it brought more smiles and tears to your face. You decided to head home and spread the good news to Brantley and of course, Heather!

Later on that Night.....

After ordering some mushroom pizza for dinner, you decided to text Brantley the good news, and let's just say, he better be prepared for what's about to happen.

BR: Hey, BG. I miss and love you outlaw. By the way, I sent you something. Looks like our passionate night together after the ACM's gave me a special gift. Congrats, Daddy!

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