Losing Her Number/Paying Becca A Visit

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It's been a month since the CMA Awards since Brantley has seen Becca Rose. Within the note that Becca left him, was her number. But by some crazy accident, Brantley lost her number and a mental ass kicking, so he was able to find out from Jason Aldean's wife Brittany, what Becca's number is and texts her.

BG: Hey, Becca. It's Brantley. I lost your number but I was able to get it again from Jason's wife, Brittany. I was wondering if ya wanted to hang out this weekend. Also, I hope you don't mind if I bring Sylo with me, he's my pitbull?

BR: Oh, hey, Brantley! Sure, my weekend is open! Both of you are more than welcome to come and visit! Besides, Bella needs a playmate!

BG: Who's Bella, if ya don't mind me asking?

BR: Bella is my pitbull. She gets along well with others, so don't worry. My address is 5127 Riverside Road. See you this weekend.

BG: Okay, thanks again, Becca. Stay safe.

BR: Not a problem, BG. Call me if you need anything else

So, Brantley is meeting with Becca this weekend. He has a smile on his face, and goes off to work on somethings out in his yard with Sylo. Although, he's a little giddy since he last seen Becca, he's quite excited.

Skip to Saturday Evening....

Brantley and Sylo headed off to Becca's house to have just a friendly day and a doggy playdate between Becca's pitbull, Bella and Sylo. After driving for a few miles outside the Nashville city limits, Brantley arrives at Becca's small, but quaint house. He sees that the occupant of the house is Becca, with a new look and is followed outside by Bella.

 He sees that the occupant of the house is Becca, with a new look and is followed outside by Bella

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''Wow, Becca, you look incredible

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''Wow, Becca, you look incredible. This must be Miss Bella." Brantley says as Becca approaches him and they exchange a hug while Bella sniffs the stranger that has come near her mistress.

''Yeah, that's my Bella. I think that Sylo has found a new buddy now. Come, let's sit on the porch. Can I get you anything? I have beer, soda, water, or sweet tea. You pick." Becca asks Brantley as the two watch Sylo and Bella play on the front lawn of Becca's house.

''I'll take some sweet tea, please and thank you Becca." Brantley replies as Becca enters her house to get his sweet tea and herself a bottle of water.

''Here you go. One glass of sweet tea. So, what do you think of my new look. Besides, I needed a change and whatnot. I also kind of figured that you would lose my number accidentally and would have to ask someone for it again." Becca says to Brantley with a small smile on her face and slightly pink cheeks.

"Well, I felt so bad for losing your number. I kicked myself in the ass for that until I got to askin' Jason's wife, Brittany, for your number. Besides, that night at the CMA's, and I hope you don't mind me saying, but you looked so gosh darn beautful that night, like a princess." Brantley says as he make Becca flush about 50 Shades of Red.

"Why thank you, Brantley. You looked handsome as ever. I felt like a princess that night, and I keep reliving it in my dreams. See, growing up in the Coal Mining Region of Northeastern Pennsylvania, I didn't have much growing up as a young girl. My daddy is a retired truck driver and my momma is a former waitress. I grew up the youngest of 4 girls, so my older sisters treated me like Cinderella and always had me doing their chores for them and other things. Did I complain, yes and no, but I kept my mouth shut and did what I had to do. When I turned 18, I packed my stuff up and moved here to Nashville for a new start in life and a chance to sing to my heart's content. So, here I am now." Becca said with tears in her eyes and turned her head away from Brantley.

"Becca, I'm so sorry about what happened in your life. I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me. I'll treat you like a gentleman should treat a lady. Besides, if I may be quite honest with you, I have feelings for you since we first met. Please don't cry darling, I can't stand to see such a pretty lady cry." Brantley said as he sat next to Becca and put one of his arms around Becca while she laid her head on his shoulder.

"I would be honored to go on a date with you Brantley Gilbert. Besides, I have feelings for you too." Becca said as Brantley and her gave each other a small, but sweet kiss before looking out to see Sylo walking around with Bella and running in circles with a beautiful sunset setting down over the sky, signaling that another day was finished.

I apologize for making this so short, but I have somethings planned out for the next few chapters. I can't wait for you all to see what happens next! The next update will be sometime after Christmas, so keep your eyes peeled for a new update then! 

I love each and every single one of you. To everyone, I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a safe and Happy New Year! 

xoxo, Becky

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