His Secret

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We continue...

Gray's POV

We continue walking around the shopping district of Crocus.

I didn't know why, but the place seemed more beautiful than ever.

Unexpectedly, I feel Juvia's hand next to mine.

I then feel as she intertwines our fingers.

I look at her nervously, but she just gives me a blinding smile.

I gulp, feeling my heart skip a beat.

I don't pull my hand away from hers, only adjusting my grip on her hand.

Now that I have a chance to think about it, her hand seems so soft.

When I look around, I recognize this area.

This is wear it rained on us.

I notice the flower shop that Erza and Lucy had been obsessing over.

Get Juvia some...

Yeah, maybe I will do that.

"Wait here." I say to her, running inside.

She seemed so clueless, standing there to wait for me.

I get a bouquet of various flowers before running back out.

"Here." I say, handing the bouquet to Juvia.

Her eyes sparkle.

I take a flower from her bouquet, looking at her.

She looks back at me.

I push her hair behind her ear, putting the flower in her hair.

She takes her bouquet in one hand, and I grab her other hand, wrapping my fingers around hers.

I liked holding her hand, and for someone it was supposed to rain around, she had made my day brighter.

I look at her as she grips my hand tighter, looking at me with a simple smile.

We come across the park, walking through on our way back to the hotel.

Juvia notions towards a bench, so we sit down.

She looks at her lap nervously.

"Gray-sama... J-Juvia thanks you for today. She had a lot of fun..."

I grab her chin with my hand, perking her head up.

I had no clue why, but the voice in my head was telling me to lean in.

I listen, leaning in.

I was surprised to find our lips making contact.

I hear her put her flowers down, putting her hand on my cheek.

When our lips part, I look at her, my face bright red.

I get up.

"W-we should get back."

Juvia gets up, blushing.

I hold out my hand for her, and she takes it.

We start making our way back, silent.

We stop in front of the hotel, and I finally muster the courage to say something.

"Today was fun. I'm glad we went."

"Juvia agrees."

I open the door, and we walk in.

The commotion in the bar settles down, everyone looking at us.

"Why're you looking at us so funny?!" I ask.

Then I have the realization that we're still holding hands.

I let go quickly, rushing up the stairs.

"See you around, Juvia!" I call behind me.


Juvia has a small smile on her face, holding the flowers as she stares at the guild smugly.

Gajeel sighs.

"You're happy, aren't you?"

Juvia nods.

"Tell us the details already!" Cana yells before downing another bottle of booze.

Gray's POV

I rush up to the room, walking in with without a word.

"Where've you been all day?!" Erza asks.

"Out." I reply.

"Alone?" Lucy joins in.

There's a slight tint on my cheeks again.


"Oh?" Erza asks with a smirk.

"Who on earth would agree to go with you?" Natsu asks.

"Natsu, we go with him on jobs all the time." Happy says.

"It's not the same!" Natsu yells.

"Anyways, who went with you?" Lucy repeats the question, smirking like Erza did.

There's urgent knocking at the door.

Erza goes to open it, and Mira rushes in.

"I'm so proud of you!" She yells, enveloping me into a tight hug.

"Gah! What's going on?!"

"Taking Juvia out on a date!"

"It wasn't a date! Let go of me!"

The white-haired girl lets go of me.

"Sounded like a date to me." She says.

"Juvia, huh?" Lucy asks.

I turn away from them, my cheeks still tinted.

Lucy's POV

We all laugh as Gray turns away from us.

I guess we all have our secrets.

But if his got out, who's to say mine won't?

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