Something's Up

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Team Natsu heads out into the city of Crocus, admiring the sights.

Erza was especially admiring the sights of cake shop windows.

"Oh, look at those flowers!" Lucy cheers.

"Gray, you should get some for Juvia!"

"S-stop saying that! I don't like Juvia!" He yells, a slight tint to his cheeks.

Erza and Lucy giggle.

"Oh Gray, when will you learn?" Erza asks rhetorically.

Gray just rolls his eyes as they continue walking.

Then, it started raining.

"Rain?! It's supposed to be sunny all day!" Gray yells.

"Maybe Juvia heard him..." Natsu whispers to Happy, smirking.

"Wipe that smirk off your face!" Erza yells.

"Our plans are ruined!"


They had planned to walk around the city all day today.

Lucy sighs.

"I guess I'll just have to wait for the right day to rock this outfit."

With that, the team head's back to the hotel.

When they walk in, they immediately notice the excitement coming from the bar.

They walk into the hotel bar.

"What is this?!" Erza asks.

The entire guild was partying in the bar, clearly all soaking from the rain.

"You're just in time!" Mira shouts over the noise.

"The party just started!"

Erza's eyes lit up, spotting the dish sitting on the counter of the bar.

"Crocus specialty cake!" She exclaims.

Mira giggles.

"I figured you'd be looking for some, so I made a call."

Erza grabs Mira's hands.

"Bless you, Mira!" She yells before running off to her cake.

Mira giggles once more.

"It's nice she's so easy to please."

Gray and Natsu immediately join in the party, leaving Lucy with Mira.

She sits down.

"Lucy? You okay?" Mira asks, sitting down next to her.

"I'm fine. Just a little sick to my stomach I guess."

Mira looks at Lucy with pity.

"You poor thing. Do you want me to help you get settled upstairs to rest?"

Lucy nods, Mira helping her up.

She settles Lucy in bed with a book.

"Thanks Mira."

Mira smiles.

"It's no problem. Just feel better, okay?"

Mira goes back downstairs.

"Mira! There you are!" Erza shouts, her face covered in crumbs.

Mira smiles, wiping Ezra's face.

"Where's Lucy?" Natsu asks from behind.

"Oh. She was feeling sick, so I helped her settle down upstairs."

Somehow, over everything, people heard this.

The room goes quiet.

"She's been acting strange lately." Gray mentions.

"Juvia thinks so too!"

"She woke up in the middle of the night in a panic." Erza adds.

Everyone stops to think about their blonde friend.

"Bunny Girl probably had a bad dream or somethin'. It ain't nothin' to worry 'bout. And being around Salamander all day, how could she not be sick?" Gajeel says.

"Oh really, metal-head?!" Natsu yells.

"Shut up, would ya? This is about Lucy!" Cana complains.

Another silence fills the room.

"Something's going on with Lu-chan..." Levy starts.

"But what?"

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