Twenty Two

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*** I did not proof read ***

Braxton's POV -

As soon as we had a location on my sister we sent someone nearby the address to go get her. A feeling of relief came over me a little bit I'd be relieved once my sisters back home safe.

From now on she's going to have security with her at all times. We don't have time for shit like this and personally these past few days have been hectic.

All of us were on edge we barely got any sleep and we were all tired. I just wanted to shower and sleep once we get her back.

I'm just still trying to figure out what kind of beef my sister has with someone for them to kidnap her. Like my sister is cool with two girls Leah & Cami who are family.

I decided to call up Leah and Cami both to see if I could get some info..

Braxton: Yo Leah

Leah: yeah?

Braxton: you know anybody that my sister would have beef with?

Leah: not that I can think of .. like you know we barely fuck with other females or people to have problems ..

Braxton: true

Leah: did y'all find her yet? I need to know if she's okay

Braxton: we found her location


Braxton: we traced it .. that's all you need to know I got someone on the way to her right now as we speak

Leah: okay well is anybody home cause I'm coming over .. she's gonna wanna talk to someone

Braxton: Elijah should be there and if not then security should let you through

Leah: y'all got security now ?

Braxton: well after all this shit we need to, Nalas not going anywhere without someone for awhile

Leah: okay well we'll talk about it later when we're all together

Nala's POV

My body was still so sore from getting beat my stomach was hurting so bad. I haven't ate in days and I'm pretty sure I had a miscarriage.

Just when I thought this day couldn't get worse it did I hadn't seen the girl who kidnapped me in like three days. Then all of a sudden she decides to come back today. A day where I wasn't feeling it I didn't feel like getting beat on or talked about over a nigga.

She revealed to me that shit was all over Lucas which had me mad. I could give a fuck about him I just wish my baby would've made it.

I heard someone coming downstairs and I'm pretty sure it was Lay that's all she told me. She said I didn't need to worry about who she was just to know not to fuck with Lucas anymore.

When that door opened I was preparing myself for the worst but it was actually someone I didn't even know.

Stranger: Nala?

Nala: yes?

Stranger: come on, I got you.. can you walk?

Nala: no my legs hurt I'm pretty sure she broke one of them

Stranger: alright I gotchu get up on the count of three Alright ?

Nala: Yeah

Stranger: okay ... 1....2....3

He counted with me as he helped me up I'm pretty sure my leg was broke but right now I was getting out. So I was just trying to fight the pain at the moment. I just wanted to go home shower and sleep in the comfort of my own bed. I was tired of sleeping on an old cold basement floor without any blankets or pillows.

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