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"So, how did it go?" Sirius asked, with a grin drawn on his face, as the Potters walked into the house. 

"How do you think it went?" James asked and the himself on the couch.

"Well judging from your attitude, it looks like it was a disaster," Sirius laughed.

"What? A disaster? With the amazing Dursleys? I do not think such a thing is possible," James said, as sarcasm poured out of his mouth.

"James calm down," said Lily quietly and sat down.

"Seems like you both need some fire," Sirius voiced his observations and happily summoned three glasses and opened a bottle of firewhiskey, which was already waiting on the table. He poured the strong alcoholic drink and handed the first glass to Lily.

"Sirius, I'm pregnant, I can't drink this," Lily rolled her eyes and Sirius tilted his head in disagreement.

"Lily, a little bit of alcohol won't kill him," he said, "and besides we want a Marauder, to come out of you and not a little wimp, that gets drunk after one glass of firewhiskey."

"Sirius, alcohol can seriously damage the baby," Lily argued and James raised his eyebrows, trying to signal Sirius to shut up.

"So he'll be just like me," said Sirius and smiled proudly of his joke. Lily on the other hand wasn't impressed by it.

"Sirius, this is not funny it all," she said crossly.

"You have to admit it was a little bit," said Sirius.

"No it wasn't," said Lily, hardly managing to remain calm.

"But it was a Sirius joke!" Sirius continued to argue. "If you don't laugh at a Sirius joke, you need to have some whiskey!"

"Do you want me to give birth to a dead child or an alive one?" Lily asked quietly.

"What kind of question is that, of course I want an alive one," Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Then get this stupid glass of... baby poison, away from my bloody face," Lily raised her voice slightly and before anyone could react, she took the glass from Sirius and threw it into the wall. After that there was complete silence, which only lasted a few seconds, but for them it seemed like minutes and minutes of staring into the wall, where the stain of the firewhisky was visible. Lily was the first to break it. 

"I'm sorry," she barely whispered and ran upstairs, sobbing.

"Lily?" James called after her uncertainly, but there was no response. He looked at Sirius, "four years of marriage and I still don't know what to do when she gets angry and runs away crying." 

"Well it's not like she does it every day," Sirius said. 

"So, tell me, what was going through your little head, when you decided to force alcohol down her throat?"

"It was meant as a joke, I didn't think she would react that badly," Sirius defended himself and James sighed.

"Sirius didn't I give you the talk about hormones?" he asked him.

"Yes you did."

"Well it looks like you weren't paying much attention."

"You sound like a dad," said Sirius.

"Well, believe it or not, I am a dad," said James, "you should know that, since me and Lily practically adopted you."

"Merlin's bottom wand James," Sirius said, "sometimes I find this 'Sirius is a complete child' thing insulting, I mean I can be completely grown up as well."

"I know," James said and offered Sirius a sympathetic smile.

"So when are we going to go out Prongsy-poo?" Sirius decided to change topics, "your 'cheat day' is not over yet!"

"I have to go and check on Lily first," James said, "and you can read a book about pregnancy in the mean time."

"I will father," said Sirius and James glared at him.

 "And clean up this mess," James added and pointed at the remains of the glass.

"Okay treat me like a house elf I don't care," said Sirius dramatically, but James didn't pay attention and went upstairs. He walked to the bedroom door and pressed his ear against it and heard quiet sobbing. He sighed sadly and gently knocked on the door.

"Lily, can I come in?" he asked her and the sobbing stopped.

"Yes," came Lily's voice after a minute. James took a deep breath and opened the door. Lily was sitting on the bed, occupied with getting rid of all the tears on her face. Her cheeks and nose were completely red and her hair was decorating her face. James stepped into the room, closed the door and sat down next to her.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing," said Lily and James frowned.

"What's wrong?" he asked again.

"Nothing's wrong James," Lily said sharply.

"You know Sirius was just joking right?" 

"I know," Lily said, while removing another strand of her hair from her face.

"So what's bothering you?" he asked her again.

"I'm fine," she said and looked up at him.

"Lily I know you're not fine," James said, also getting irritated.

"You know nothing," snapped Lily.

"Well believe it or not, that hurts," James said.

"Why would it? You don't have to listen to my stupid worries."

 "I want to listen and they are not stupid," said James firmly.

"How do you know? You haven't heard them yet," Lily argued.

"Then why don't you tell me and let me be the judge of that," James suggested and earned himself a glare, "Lily please tell me, I want to help."

"I don't need your help."

"Well what do you want me to do?" asked James, "just watch you suffer?"

"I'm not..." 

"Lily, I know you are suffering. You can't fool me."

"That's rubbish," said Lily quietly.

"No it's not. Lily please tell me..."

"James just please leave me alone," Lily begged him, "I will be fine, I just need to be left alone."

"But how do you expect me to leave me alone, if you're..."

"For the last time," Lily growled, "nothings wrong, I'm just tired."

"Fine," James said and stood up, "but just so you know, it is not fair of you to be angry at me. I didn't do anything wrong back there."


7 Merlin's beards, it's been ages since I updated :-O I am so sorry! 

And I feel so bad, about making Lily and James have a fight :(

QUESTION: Hahah let's see oh um I loved your answers last chapter by the way! Anyway today's question would be... If you could be one character from the whole Harry Potter series, who would you be and why?

Please vote and comment to let me know you are still enjoying my story!


Lizzie :)

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