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James stared at the green light, which was just about to consume him, but then it didn't. Instead a table flew in front of him, blocking the curse. 

"James," he heard Sirius say and felt his hand get hold of his arm, forcing him to duck so the flying table didn't crash directly into his head. Slowly everything seemed to speed up. He wasn't dead. He was still breathing. He saw curses flying over his head and he got hold of Sirius's hand.

"Get out of the way you two," Moody shouted and gave them their wands back. "You Black are in no state to fight."

"Are Lily and Harry okay?" James asked him and got up immediately.

"Yes, yes, they are splendid," Moody said in a hurry.

"Moody!" James shouted, but was ignored. 

"Come on," Sirius said, "don't just stand in the middle of the room."

"Why not?" James asked, but just as he said it he had to duck a stunning spell.

"Precisely," Sirius said and pulled him away from the center of the room. "Do you see any good ones to take on?"

"Lucius?" James asked, while scanning the room.

"Nah, he's boring," Sirius argued.

"Lestrange?" James suggested.

"Which one?" Sirius asked.

"Well not Bellatrix," James told him.

"Why not?" Sirius asked sadly.

"Perhaps because she is a maniac?" James said.

"So?" Sirius shrugged. "We have our wands now. I'm pretty sure I could get her do a little dance."

"I like the way you think," James said with a wide smile.

"I do have an extraordinary mind," Sirius said proudly. "Come on!"

They ran across the room. the battle was getting quite intense. The number of death eaters seemed to be multiplying by the minute, and the curses were getting more and more unforgivable.

"Stupefy!" Sirius yelled as Barty Crouch Jr., just as he apparated to the scene.

"That's not playing by the rules!" James yelled at Sirius.

"Well to be honest he hadn't even started playing," Sirius said, "and I hope the ministry finds him and throws him in Azkaban, before he does too much damage. If you ask me, he has the Bellatrix potential."

"Fair enough," James laughed while blocking a curse, sent by Avery, "Expelliarmus!"

"Nice one," Sirius laughed, while stunning Mulciber, who was pointing his wand at them, his lips forming the letters: I-M-P-E.

"Did he just try to imperio me?" James asked, faking shock and sadness.

"Nah, he wanted me," Sirius argued.

"Someday I just want to turn into a stag and instead of wand fighting just jump onto people, knocking them to the ground," James said, while blocking another curse sent by Avery, who was fighting with his spare wand.

"That's a weird thing to be thinking of, when somebody is trying to reducto your balls," Sirius told him as he sent a stinging jinx at stunned Mulciber.

"You have no mercy today," James observed.

"They were mean," Sirius stated as a five year old child.

"Crucio!" James heard somebody yell behind him and ducked, as he felt the spell miss him by an inch.

"Who is it?" he asked Sirius loudly.

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