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1st of March 1982

"Tell me why am I going with you to see the baby's gender," Sirius asked James, as he stood in front of St. Mungo's, "I thought that we were going to go out and have fun, when you said today was your 'cheat day'"

"Padfoot, you're taking care of Harry," James said.

"Why? You're the parents," Sirius said.

"It's because, I won't be able to. And James is, at the moment, occupied with deciding, if he would prefer a girl or a boy," Lily said and handed Harry over to Sirius. 

"And besides I don't think Harry should come, since he's being so loud now that he can actually say a few words. You two should wait in the waiting room."

"You could of just said that, instead of grabbing me and disapparating with no warning what so ever!" Sirius said.

"Blame James," Lily said, "me and Harry had no trouble getting here."

"Why didn't you just leave me to babysit Harry at your place?" Sirius asked them. Lily looked at James angrily.

"Because we are going to visit Vernon and Petunia," James told him, nodding encouragingly.

"No, I'm not," Sirius told him. 

"Oh yes you are," James said.

"You wish. First you kidnap me and now you wanna drag me too Vermin and Lunia and Budley?? Have you gone mad? I do all the shopping and mail and now you want to throw me into a muggle Azkaban? I thought I was your friend," said Sirius.

"You are our friend, but Sirius I need mental support. It is, as you said, a muggle Azkaban," said James, "Please stay with me."

"Wow you're begging...." said Sirius amused.

"Yes, Padfoot, I'm begging you to come," James said and tried getting onto his knees, but Lily pulled him back up.

"Oh come on James," said Lily, "Vernon and Petunia aren't that bad."

"Sure they're not," Sirius said sarcastically. 

"Padfoot, please come with me," James said again, ignoring Lily.

"I'll think about it," Sirius said and James grinned.

"Thanks Paddy, you are the best! Come on Lily, lets get going," said James and grabbed Lily's arm and walked away. Sirius sat down with Harry on the nearby chair.

"So how have you been?" he asked Harry.

"Padfoo," said Harry.

"Yes, that's me," said Sirius, "I hope you're not angry at me, I mean we both know I'm not going to that creepy aunt of yours."

"No," said Harry.

"No, of course I'm not," Sirius confirmed.

"Go!" said Harry.

"Oh, come on Harry, you're turning into your dad."

"Dad," repeated Harry.

"Yes your dad," said Sirius, "Merlin who knew how difficult it is to have a proper conversation with a one year old." 

"Old," Harry repeated and started laughing, "OLD!!" 

"What?!" asked Sirius shocked, "You think I'm old??"

"Old!" Harry repeated himself happily.

"How dare you," said Sirius, "If you must know, young man, all the girls love me, therefore I'm not  old."

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