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26th of December

"Wake up sleepy heads!" Lily and James woke up to Sirius's yelling at 8 AM.

"Sirius," James groaned as he turned over to face his best friend.

"What on earth are you doing up so early?" he asked and Sirius grinned.

"Me, young Harry here, and Remus decided to make breakfast," he said proudly.

"I repeat, what are you doing up so early?" James yawned.

"Why shouldn't I be up?" Sirius asked.

"Well," Lily said, "you are normally the one who won't get out of bed."

"Well that's a long story," said Sirius "You see yesterday Moony said that I can't get up in the morning, and I said that I could, so here I am!" 

"And how many cheering charms did you have to put on yourself?" James asked.

"Only about ten," Sirius told them and James laughed.

"So will you help me, Harry and Remus make breakfast?" Sirius asked excitedly.

"No, can't be bothered," James said, "and how come two people are in my house, without me knowing?"

"That's what friends do," said Sirius "You know, just because you two don't have a thing to do, it doesn't mean that you must turn all lazy and boring"

The Potters had nothing to do, because they were currently in hiding. The most evil wizard in the wizarding world - Lord Voldemort - was after their 1-year old son Harry, because of a prophecy made just before his birth. They went into hiding, by using the Fidelius charm. James was the secret keeper.

"Sirius you know that being locked up in this house would never be my first option, I would much rather do something useful for the order," said James, annoyed by his best friends comment.

"Have I touched the nerve?" Sirius grinned and James glared at him, "okay, I'll leave, but we shall eat it. No breakfast in bed for you two!" Sirius walked away humming.


"Come on Lily let's get up," James said after another 15 minutes had passed.

"I don't want to" moaned Lily. About two months ago, Lily and James discovered that Lily was pregnant with a second child, it was quite an unexpected shock for both, as they only agreed on having Harry.

"But Lily, it's getting late, and Remus is making breakfast!" James said impatiently.

"Oh, and that really is an urgency to get up," Lily said sarcastically and turned over, while covering her eyes.

"It is, because if you don't get up, there will be no breakfast left for us," said James and Lily laughed.

"Then go and have breakfast," she said.

"You have to eat too," James argued, causing her to sigh into her pillow.

"James I-," but she couldn't finish her sentence, because James had already picked her up and carried her bridal-style to the bathroom.

"There," he said, "you're up now."

"James, I wanted to sleep," Lily moaned.

"But you sleep way too much!" said James, "Wait here, I'll just go and fetch you some clothes."

Lily laughed as she watched her husband zoom out of the bathroom back to their bedroom in search for clothes. She turned to face the sink and began to brush her teeth. She was feeling sick doing it and very soon the whole room was spinning around her. She grabbed hold of the sink tightly.

"James!" she called out, and as soon as she did, James came rushing back to the bathroom, holding her underwear and a T-shirt.

"Yes?" he asked.

"I need to sit down," said Lily. James sighed and stepped forwards to hug her .

"Feeling sick again?" he asked gently and she nodded, "Want to go back to bed?"

"No, I'll go downstairs. What are they making?" she said.

"Pancakes I think," James said and Lily nodded.

"Let's go," she said confidently. They went downstairs, to see a very happy Harry and an unbelievably cheerful Sirius playing in the living room, while Remus was sitting on the sofa, shaking his head. Sirius looked up at them.

"They are alive,"  he announced.

"Very funny Sirius," James rolled his eyes and looked at Remus, "morning Moony!"

"Hellu," Remus said and smiled.

"Hi," Lily said, as Harry came wobbling towards her. Slowly she bent down and picked him up.

"Morning sweetheart," she said and carried him to the sofa and sat down besides Remus.

"So who wants pancakes? Me and Harry made some special shaped ones!" Sirius said proudly and presented one of his cauldron-shaped pancake.

"Did you really?" Lily asked, looking at Harry, who was just looking at her with his green eyes. James joined them on the sofa. 

"Yeah," Sirius answered the question instead of Harry, "wanna try them?" 

"Oh, no thanks," Lily said, "not at the moment anyway." 

"I don't know where the problem is, you'll get fat either way," laughed Sirius. Lily and James glared at him and Remus smacked him over the head with the Prophet.

"Can I see that?" James asked and took the Daily Prophet. He ran through it quickly.

"Is there anything new?" Lily asked.

"No just the usual... Voldemort is rising, more attacks and there is a new bean that tastes of ash... well that really is an extremely important article to put in a newspaper..."

"So just the usual," said Remus.

"Yeah nothing new," said James and threw the paper on the table. He moved his arm around Lily's shoulder. 

"What do you mean?" Sirius asked, putting his hand dramatically on his chest, "How is a new bean not extremely exciting news for you?"

"What are you suggesting?" asked James.

"I am suggesting that I go to the shop and buy some beans," Sirius said happily and with that he walked out of the house and disapparated.


Hi guys! It's me Lizzie!

So if you found this story because it appeared on your news feed or because you read Time travel to save them (which would make me very very happy), welcome to my new story If they lived! I really do hope you enjoyed the first chapter and that you will give this story a try!

I try to do weekly updates, but I admit to being guilty for having two periods of not updating for quite a time, but I swear I will not let it happen again. So every Sunday I update a new chapter and I hope you'll stay with me until the end!

Love you all!


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