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4th of April 1982

"So," Sirius said, as he and Remus sat down on the couch, "me and Moony brought our list of amazing baby boy names for you to look at."

"Thanks Sirius..." James said, knowing to well what this meant, "but we have got our own list to consider already." 

"Well that's no problem, is it?" Sirius said happily.

"Why not?" Lily asked.

"Because we can go through all of the names together!" Sirius said excitedly and Remus sighed.

"Padfoot, I think they should do that by themselves."

"But Moony," Sirius whined.

"No I think you two should stay and help," James laughed, "better than doing all of this alone, without any opinions."

"You see," Sirius said, "they need us."

"But please take it more seriously this time, not like when we were trying to find a name for Harry..." Lily said.

"Now to be fair," Sirius argued, "we were quite into it when the first nameless baby was inside of you."

"Especially after that bottle of firewhiskey you were," Remus added.

"And let's not forget that they were being chased by two policeman after it," Lily reminded him.

"Classic Padfoot and Prongs behavior," Remus laughed, "let's go for a wild motorbike ride in the middle of the muggle streets, in the middle of a wizarding war." 

"To be very honest we did save the policemen's lives," James pointed out.

"Mind you, they might have not needed saving, if it wasn't for us being there in the first place," Sirius said with a laugh.

"Anyway, no drinking this time," Lily said firmly.

"But... why?" Sirius asked her sadly.

"Well,  we don't want another motorbike incident," Lily said, "and not to mention that you didn't take the name thing seriously at all," Lily said.

"Well sorry if you don't like the name Elvendork," said Sirius.

"Even though it is unisex," James piped out, laughing a little as he remembered that night.

"Not to mention that you also didn't appreciate the names Wilberforce, Almightoy or Bathsheba." Sirius said.

"Oh for Merlin's bottom rising wand's sake!" Remus said. "It's not like you want Harry to be renamed into Batsheba do you?"

"Well I was kind of hoping we could name him Elvend-" James started.

"What? Not Elvendork, Almigh-" Sirius cut him off.

"James, Sirius, just stop," Lily said.

"Well it's still better than Peters bloody excuse for a name!" James said, completely ignoring Lily.

"Yes I mean who invents the name Asurbanipal?" Sirius asked.

"Apparently he didn't invent it," Remus said, "he just went looking into the wrong book."

"Which was?" Sirius asked.

"A muggle history book or something," Remus said with a sigh.

"Oh, I get that stupid logic of his!" Sirius said. "You said you wanted a normal muggle name, so he went looking into muggle books to find it!"

"And because he is a good example of a person, whose IQ score is a 1, he picked the first name he could find," Remus finished.

"A 1?" Sirius asked, "Why, that's lower than an IQ of a flower!"

"Can we stop taking about Peter?" James asked a bit angrily. Lily patted his shoulder and gently said: "It's okay James, he'll come back eventually."

"Perhaps we could rename him into Daisy Pettigrew, upon his  return," Sirius said, overhearing James. Remus kicked his foot.

"Return?" James repeated after him. "He might be dead, tortured as we speak!"

"James..." Remus started uncertainly.

"What?!" James snapped.

"Sorry, James, but I... we don't really think Peter should be trusted anymore," Sirius said. James looked at him, betrayed.

"You are supposed to be his best friends for Merlin's sake! How can you not trust him?"

"Sorry it's just... gosh even I don't know how to explain it to you or to myself as a matter of fact," Sirius said, "it just happened all of a sudden after Halloween. I woke up and it wasn't the same anymore."

James glared at him and was ready to raise his voice at him but Remus held up his hand. 

"James the main reason so many of us stopped trusting him is because we all started to doubt him at the same time. And don't deny it, you feel it as well, we all do," he said and Lily nodded sadly. James sighed.

"But... we don't know for sure..."

"Of course we don't," said Sirius, "but James, the next time you see him... if there will be a next time... just be careful. What you do, what you say, I mean this is to big to be a coincidence, I'm guessing there were memory charms involved or something."

"Okay, I will, but even if there were memory charms," James said slowly, "what could have Peter possibly..." 

He was silenced by a knock on the front door. Sirius stood up and looked out of the window. He chuckled to himself and turned around.

"Speaking of the rat."


Hello thereee! 

Gosh, believe it or not, this was supposed to be a long and boring name choosing chapter, but I had quite a laugh writing it! (I loved incorporating Rowling's prequel in it)

Anyways, we all know who is going to be at the front door, so what do you think is going to happen?

QUESTION: If you could go on one date with any Marauder, which one would it be and why? 

Please vote and comment to let me know you are still enjoying my story!

Love you all!

Lizzie :)

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