Alone Together. [Gods]

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Hi guys time for a dad joke

Sorry it's been a year since I posted. (lololol) I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, New Years, and Winter Break if you're still in school and I'm sorry this is much later than I was hoping to get out, I'm not even sure if it's that good, I'm really sorry I haven't been putting in my 110% lately, I'm THHIIISSS close to graduating so I'm working really hard which means less frequent updates and slightly less high quality ones, please know though that I absolutely fucking love you guys and love writing for you and I appreciate the support I get from you all the time, so I will work super hard to make time for you and this beloved past tie of mine.

Okay, okay, I know what you came here for so I'll bounce. This request is from @Determintion29 I really hope you enjoy it my dude!


The leaves danced across the pavement under the faint breeze as the otherwise well-kept town remained perfectly silent, just as vacant and orderly as it'd been left. Somewhere in the far distance a car drawled by, tires scraping against the rain covered gravel as yet another wanderer abandoned the small village.

Somewhere from deep within the lifeless town a pair of dull (E/C) eyes watches the raindrops; alone another day with only the sound of the creaking chain swings nearby and the noises of the endless autumn weather, the shrine maiden resumes her work dutifully, though she has no idea what she's clinging so desperately to anymore.

The priestess named (Y/N) sighs as she continues to sweep the old wooden shrine, her mind occupying her with imaginary laughter and voices of people who once inhabited this place long ago, before calamity struck their cursed little village. It was once a beautiful little place, full of flowers and everlasting sunlight, people were happy and they praised their gods for their prosperity and favor, but then one day...everything went so, so wrong.


A young (H/C) girl stood at the base of the shrine with an old priest, their faces contorted into a look of worry as the girl glanced at the wilting lilies nearby before looking back up at her mentor who was still deep within his prayers.

"Gramps, why is this happening?" The girl asked as a harsh wind rattled the chimes outside relentlessly.

"Perhaps the gods have hardened their hearts." Was the priest's sorrowful response.

"That doesn't make sense though! We've always been good to them!"

The shriveled old man knelt before his apprentice and rested a calloused hand on her shoulder as he locked eyes with her, a grim look set firmly across his face as he spoke. "(Y/N), love and hate are two sides of the same coin, you must never forget that."

Those were her mentor's last words before he, as well as the rest of the town's occupants faded from existence; after that the neighboring towns began to call the once thriving village "cursed" and "ill-fated," people never passed through, no man nor beast dared dwell beyond the town gates besides (Y/N) who despite her agony, took on her predecessor's legacy.


'Drip, drop.'

(Y/N) blinked as she zoned back into reality, there was something wet sliding across her face despite her being under the shingled roof of the temple. Setting aside her broom that she had long since lost purpose for, the (H/C) girl made her way into the shrine with barely audible steps; her last bit of sanity amongst this lone wasteland.

Kneeling before the aged sanctum, the girl brought her hands to her chest and whispered out a single request into the wind. "Please, if any of you are listening.....I don't want to be alone anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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